Coolant issue


New Member
Hi guys, a couple of days ago I noticed some steam coming from my front grill while sat at some traffic lights.
I pulled over and popped the bonnet and can't see any sign of a leak.
I've had no coolant loss and not had any overheating issues.

I went out today and wondered if there was any air in my system so took off the rad cap and started her up with the heater on hot.

I noticed that if I increased the revs it forced coolant out the radiator.

Does this sound like a bad head gasket or could there be some other explanation ?

Thanks for reading and look forward to someone that might have come across this before answering.


I had a Civic once.
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Does the temp gauge increase? Coolant coming out with increased revs when cold? Could be a sign of a clogged radiator or even a stuck thermostat.

When the car warms up, do both coolant hoses get warm?

Was there any milkyness in the coolant, or does it look ok?

PS I'm pretty sure I recently played someone in Battlefield 1 with your exact username lol


New Member
Does the temp gauge increase? Coolant coming out with increased revs when cold? Could be a sign of a clogged radiator or even a stuck thermostat.

When the car warms up, do both coolant hoses get warm?

Was there any milkyness in the coolant, or does it look ok?

PS I'm pretty sure I recently played someone in Battlefield 1 with your exact username lol

No milkyness in the coolant. Didn't try revving it from cold and the temp gauge hovers between 1/4 & 1/2.

The top hose is warm but I didn't check the bottom.

I'll pop out in the morning and have a check from cold and post back what happens.

Ps it may well have been me on battlefield. I bought it to see the hype and a change from COD.
