D16y8 Turbo Choice?


boosted hx
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
The turbo is not water and oil cooled, it's water cooled and lubricated with oil. Water cooled turbos have smaller oil passages in the center cartridge since they don't use the oil to cool so it's a good idea to use the water inlet and outlet on the turbo, I have seen a write up on dseries.org that uses the water pipe on back of block to feed the turbo


Looks like it's off a SAAAAB 900. I'd get it rebuilt since its roughly 25 years old. Internally gated to approx 6psi. Have the wastegate tested and make sure it's good. I'd say it will fully spool around 2800-3200 rpm. Running the coolant lines is a good idea for longevity. There's a couple good writeups on the net about setting up coolant lines on a civic.
You know your stuff man, it is off a Saab. We've been doing some research on the plumbing, should be able hook these up no problem. Although, I've read a lot about heating issues with some of the set-ups. What about the crank? A lot of people say the y8 is ok but the Z6/ZC apparently provides better oiling due to the two oil galleys.

2800 to 3200 is awesome, perfect for auto-cross and street use. Given that it's a 50 Trim, do you see an issue with it dropping off before 7000?

I think we'll get rid of the internal wastegate since we already have an authentic 38mm Tial wastegate.

I know there are reputable turbo shops out there but there's a lot of shady ones as well. Any recommendations on a few (in Cali) to have the turbo rebuilt?


Surge Master
Registered VIP
The trim difference isn't going to affect much in your situation, it's originally designed for an engine with almost half a liter more displacement. As far as the crank thing no idea, I always thought it was the z6 pump that was better than the y8 pump but again I'm not sure. No idea on turbo shops in your area either, gonna have to search your local forums.

Diana Nam

Registered VIP
So we found a used AiResearch TB0382, looks like it's an A/R .42 compressor, 50 Trim. It's both water and oil cooled but according to some research, it seems as though the water lines do not 'have' to be connected.

(1) Is that true, or do they in fact, need to be connected?

(2) If they do, what's the best place to connect them to?

Although our goal is only 200 HP, it seems as though the stock internals will be ok. However, I'm reading about oil issues with the D16Y8 motor. The oil pump has been ported but not shimmed.

(1) Will the D16Z6 or ZC crankshaft fit right in without any modifications?

Based on the compressor map, this turbo should be good to roughly 250 HP.

(1) Is this a good candidate considering it was purchased for $200 (assuming it's in good condition)? I say this because...yes, there are better turbos out there but for more dough.

(2) What will spool be like and what RPM will it drop off at? Red line is at 7K.
the waterlines are for after shut down cooling so it further helps with the turbo from coking the oil. most OEM turbos have water and oil cooled center section.


Thanks everyone for your input and advise, you guys are awesome! I know everyone has their good and bad stories but hopefully we can learn from them in either case.

The turbo kit is almost complete, just need a few more things like manifold, down pipe, oil feed/return lines and miscellaneous hardware. We'll be installing the turbo ourselves and then get it tuned on 91.

I have the T3/T4 turbo for sale since we're not going to be using it as well as a GT1752, if anybody is interested.
