High Idle


New Member
I have a D16a6 and after the car warms up the car wants to Idle at around 2000 rpm's. Even when it's in gear and I'm trying to coast the car still wants to keep it at 2000rmp's. I can lift the throttle witih my foot and it will fall down to normal. I have cleaned the IACV, checked my coolant and looked for vacume leaks a number of times already. Also checked the throttle cable.... any help would be great.


I had a Civic once.
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If you can lift the pedal with your foot to return the RPM's to normal then it's probably the throttle cable or the throttle plate being stuck open slightly.


New Member
Ok it turned out to be two different things... bleeding my coolant fixed my idle hunting surging problem. And my throttle cable was to tight.
