Spirits of Cars Passed


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Yea, I never had a DYNO, so I know that feel...

That bike was so durable. I trashed it so much. Dumped it in the bowl at the skate park. Bailed mid air on the dirt mounds... Hell, I used to just run it into ditches. I don't know why. It doesn't make any sense. But, I did. That thing lasted until I stopped riding it and it rusted in the garage...

96 DX Hatch

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Wish we had that kind of place in Key West instead of the lame skate park we did have.

...and had it before getting both my GT and Specialized jacked :???: Haven't had a bike since, not sure why


New Member
Before my current 98 civic I owned a beater I picked up for $400

1990 Ford Escort GT

Was purchased off a mechanic who had no time to fix anything so it was pretty much rigged to just work in the cheapest way possible. Radiator fan was aftermarket connected to a toggle switch, a/c condenser ripped out, literally lines cut where it'd be, bunch of electrical wires cut and left dangling. Thing was scary to drive and would randomly stall (a distributor wire was chaffed and would occasionally ground itself out)

But the beauty was my mechanic at the time told me not to bring it in for repairs anymore because it was too time consuming to figure out, ultimately that lead me to want to tackle things/learn about cars so in a way I'm glad it happened.

It was lowered on saggy rear stock springs and cut front springs. Ford emblem was removed and the holes on the grill were filled in and painted. Clear(er) corners from an older Mercury lynx which was basically a Ford escort in the Mercury line.

I felt "cool" driving this thing around because everyone was into imports so much (first fast n furious movie period) and it was different. It had surprisingly good low end torque which was fun. I remember thinking civics were supposed to be these fast cars due to the hype about "vtec", so when I first test drove a civic and didn't notice any torque in comparison to my car, I remember ignorantly assuming that there had to be something mechanically wrong and passed up purchasing it lol

This is what it looked like a year before the clutch went as well as idle problems that couldn't be figured out and floors rotting which led me to sell to a junk yard.



gt CasaNova
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98 accord wrapped around telephone poll senior year (scrap)
97 tiburon bough off of friend I knew before he had time to mess with it. Transmission ended up going out (Sold)
96 civic countless problems. Bought after getting home from basic and ait. I was on a constant search for a car. Had planned on buy a 98 ex with a b series Frankenstein that was turboed. Owner had gotten rid of turbo kit for it and was getting it back to n/a. I was tired of waiting so i found the 96 after staying up for 2 days. Still have it as of current
08 civic si bought little over 2 years ago. This car was fun but it was hell trying to pay for it and my wifes car so we traded them both in for 2014 kia optima.


R.I.P Stephen Jackson
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93 si on CPR's/toyo proxes, JDM d15b, GSR leather lots of mods...SOLD

02 is300 on tokico suspension... TOTALED

04 STI on Whiteline suspension, Borla exhaust, ACT clutch... SOLD

2014 4 runner and 06 GSXR 600 Leo Vince SBK, Dunlop Q3's DID chain, pazzo levers and sato rear sets

