Wheres my water going?


New Member
I am loosing water, about a gallon in 20 miles. It dosent leak around town not a drop. But on the freeway I loose it all. No water in the oil. I pressure tested it to 20 pounds and still cant find it. Any help is appreciated.


Authoritah, respected.
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Firstly, you should not be using only water in your cooling system. If so, not only will it evaporate in your system but you will incur internal rusting over time and destroy your engine.

Secondly, how do you know you're losing fluid only when on the highway? Where have you observed the leak? Are you sure the hoses are properly tightened and the radiator cap isn't leaking?

For your own sake, please make an effort to write clearly and spell correctly. Misspelling "water" in the title can lead some people to think you may be incompetent, which doesn't encourage positive attention.


New Member
Firstly, you should not be using only water in your cooling system. If so, not only will it evaporate in your system but you will incur internal rusting over time and destroy your engine.

Secondly, how do you know you're losing fluid only when on the highway? Where have you observed the leak? Are you sure the hoses are properly tightened and the radiator cap isn't leaking?

For your own sake, please make an effort to write clearly and spell correctly. Misspelling "water" in the title can lead some people to think you may be incompetent, which doesn't encourage positive attention.
Thank you for pointing out my error. I think the car looses water on the freeway is its the only time i need to put water in it. Hoses are tight. I am not sure the cap does not leak. Thank for you reply and for making some good pionts.


Authoritah, respected.
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Im glad to help, buddy. If the cap is leaking then you'd see the spray marks everywhere.

Hold on. Are you referring to the overflow reservoir? Theres no way you could add fluid to the radiator once its hot without opening the cap and having it burst everywhere. If thats the case, make sure youre using 50/50 coolant mix because if youre not then the water is definitely evaporating in the system. This is why clarity and details are important.

If you recently flushed the cooling system but didnt flush the block as well, and youre adding 50/50 mix then whats happening is the half of the system you neglected to flush is slowly refilling itself when in operating temperature. If this is the case then properly flush the entire system, so as to avoid mixing old & new fluid, then refill with 50/50 mix & bleed the system properly.


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You already had a thread going on this same problem and had troubleshooting directions in it. In the future, ADD to the current thread that is already running before making another. If it is because you couldn't find it, ask one of the moderators and one of us will point you to it. The other thread has been removed from the already cluttered forum.

Thank you for your further cooperation in keeping this site a little less cluttered.


New Member
if your not leaking coolant, then it must be going somewhere, only logical answer is blown head gasket. very common amognst 7th gen
