6th Gen Honda Civic - ECM Connector for OBD


New Member
Hello everyone, noob to the World of DIY. Got an OBDII with a 3 Pin to 16 Pin Adapter as I learnt thats what this Honda uses. However, I cant seem to find the Jack. Posting some pics of the ECM, please guide me on how I can resolve this.


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Hello everyone, noob to the World of DIY. Got an OBDII with a 3 Pin to 16 Pin Adapter as I learnt thats what this Honda uses. However, I cant seem to find the Jack. Posting some pics of the ECM, please guide me on how I can resolve this.
What in the world are you attempting to do?

The OBD II diagnostic connection is under the dash above the left kick panel on the drivers side.


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I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish.
is this some sort of engine or ECU swap?


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Is that the hanging connector on the Pass side, which is used for timing (jump the two connections)?

Never used it, so i don't know what it looks like, just know it exists.


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I was looking for the ECM Port
i think you are misunderstanding EMC port as the OBDII diagnostic port. As mentioned under the dash left side.
