Im lost...


New Member
Honestly I am so confused, I bought a cheap used car, I've thought the issues that were wrong with it were a million and one things. But here are the symptoms; please throw some suggestions at me..

Changed the thermostat due to the second day I had the car was driving around and my temp gage sky rocketed; after that there were bubbles in my coolant system when I tried to burp it, about a week later put some sealer in the coolant system and that seemed to help; when I am parked with the heat blasting my car WILL NOT over heat. But if I drive when it's on it Will, I drove my car over the weekend for 2 hours around the city and the temp gage stayed at the normal spot, but drove to a small town 20 minutes out of the city (only did like 100 km/h) and bam it over heated.

Thought it was a head gasket; but no white smoke, nothing in the oil or the coolant, no issues starting.

I'm very confused and would much appreciate the help!
Thanks in advance!

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I had a Civic once.
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Is the check engine light illuminated at all? If not, does the light work? You should see it light up briefly when turning the car to ON-II.

Are you sure you got all of the air out of the system? Still sounds like this could be a headgasket issue though.

EDIT: Ya beat me to it @boofoo :lol:


White smoke or intermixing fluids are definitely easy to point to the hg. However once you see symptoms like those it's a real bad leak in your head gasket. If it's a smaller leak or just leaking in a specific spot it can cause your issue plus a few others. While sealants may bandaid the problem for a little while they can also cause other problems. It's like taking aspirin for a broken leg. I've used the stuff myself before but only to get a few more months out of a beater winter car I was planning on junking anyway. Have your coolant system pressure checked. But again I'm with the other 2 it's probably your hg.


New Member
The HG is blown.

You only worsened your problems by adding the fake sealant "fix". It's one ot the worst snake oil products for car engines.
Glorious ... thank you


Is the check engine light illuminated at all? If not, does the light work? You should see it light up briefly when turning the car to ON-II.

Are you sure you got all of the air out of the system? Still sounds like this could be a headgasket issue though.

EDIT: Ya beat me to it @boofoo [emoji38]
The check engine light comes on and off, it's been on for the past 3 days. Yes I burped the system for 2 hours. I'm sure I did

White smoke or intermixing fluids are definitely easy to point to the hg. However once you see symptoms like those it's a real bad leak in your head gasket. If it's a smaller leak or just leaking in a specific spot it can cause your issue plus a few others. While sealants may bandaid the problem for a little while they can also cause other problems. It's like taking aspirin for a broken leg. I've used the stuff myself before but only to get a few more months out of a beater winter car I was planning on junking anyway. Have your coolant system pressure checked. But again I'm with the other 2 it's probably your hg.
Thank you

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