B16A Swap


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5+ Year Member
I'm trying to do some research on a swap for my 98 civic ex coupe. I have been looking at some different motors including a B18C, B16B, and also a B16A. I am interested in knowing how compatible the B16A would be to swap, its has good power for the price and the extra money saved could be used to build it more. Just looking for any helpful info on this because I want to have a lot of knowledge before I even plan to buy the motor. All help appreciated.


Team Exile/ADO Garage
Registered VIP
Depends on what B16A you want to swap. I'm not sure which engine you are talking about because you are listing engines as a B16A and you might be meaning a B16A2 or a B16A. Like the B18C, you can either have a B18C1, B18C5, or B18CR, all of which are different in in compatibility.

For the most part, a B16A engine would be very compatible...


Registered VIP
Registered OG
5+ Year Member
How much is the whole swap gunna cost you?


New Member
For only a little more, I'd STRONGLY suggest the b18c (GSR) over a b16a - much more torque and better for around town/ daily driving
