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well, after exhaustive searches for free image hosting sites online, i have stumbled upon a site called UploadIt. well, simply put this site is awesome. it allows nearly unlimited filesize for images, allows direct remote linking, and as of right now has no recycle time (images uploaded aren't deleted after x time, they stay on the server). i have tried out this service a number of times (they are hosting all the gt4 wallpapers i uploaded in the 'post your desktop v640x480' thread)
so, here's the URL:
here are their rules:
Forum signatures are now allowed, subject to bandwidth usage.
No illegal content (that includes copyrighted material)!
Abuse of this service will not be tolerated.
Abusers will be banned by IP and, if necessary, reported to the appropriate authorities.
We reserve the right to remove any files deemed unsuitable or which are causing a high load on the server.
this should solve any image hosting problem, at least temporarily. i still believe images 640x480 and smaller under 100k should still be uploaded to the cc server though.
edit: non-image files can be uploaded as long as they are under 600k.
EDIT 2: they have imposed a 5 upload per day maximum for non-paying users.
so, here's the URL:
here are their rules:
Forum signatures are now allowed, subject to bandwidth usage.
No illegal content (that includes copyrighted material)!
Abuse of this service will not be tolerated.
Abusers will be banned by IP and, if necessary, reported to the appropriate authorities.
We reserve the right to remove any files deemed unsuitable or which are causing a high load on the server.
this should solve any image hosting problem, at least temporarily. i still believe images 640x480 and smaller under 100k should still be uploaded to the cc server though.
edit: non-image files can be uploaded as long as they are under 600k.
EDIT 2: they have imposed a 5 upload per day maximum for non-paying users.