Got me a 98 Ex


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What are the current mods on the motor?


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10+ Year Member
good job on your mods man... white ones looks good and fine... but the black looks nasty... its up to you... but both looks awesome... hehehe...

Just my opinion, paint the rear/front lip man... you'll approciate the drop more... hehehe... also the grill...

As to whats under the hood, I think you should choose either NA or Turbo... there are a lot of engine mods... but my 1st advice is swap your sohc engine to a dohc engine before you do any mods... that itself is already big hp gain...


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Looks like my car with silver rims. Looks very good OP, keep it up.
White rims look better.

B18C Inside

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5+ Year Member
White wheels would look nice...but I agree that bronze may look as good if not better. Save money and do a B or K series swap for more performance. The car looks good man. Keep us updated.
