Hey CC

Cody Waymire

New Member
Hey CC so its been a couple years since I been in the Honda scene. And I've been doing a bunch of looking and researching and making myself go round and round Haha anyways to get down to the good talk originally I wanted to go kseries with a k24a2 with a low boost ej8 street car, but since things changed and having my heart shift back to bseries, and so being that plans changed what i can't decide on is if I want to go and do either a b16a,b18c or a b20/vtec platform to build off from And plans are a boosted street car, im looking for 600whp high boost for occasionally track days and 350whp on low boost it will be a slow build. And I was thinking as for as a turbo would maybe something around a 6262 or 6264 work? Or would some smaller or bigger be of a better fit for my plans? And if this needs to be moved to a different area please feel free to move it to the right one or leave a link to a thread that I might have over looked while searching as there's TONS of them around. P.S.i will building the internals and blockguard( if going b20/vtec) and I was thinking BC or S2 for head internals along with either a S2 intake mani or edelbrock Victor X, also should I go hondata or aem ems? Please all opinions/suggestions and critics welcome as I love to learn from input of those who have these particular builds. Thanks for reading my post and have a nice day or night.
