I have a MASSIVE problem with my Honda Civic DX 2002


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get some commercial grade bleach with germicide. you can find at home depot or lowes. remove all interior as everyone has said above. DO NOT soak in bleach your just making your problem that much worse and losing even more value of the car. once all int pieces (except dash dont worry ill show you how to fix that problem later) are removed get a 50/50 mixture of bleach and water and spray not soak the under side of carpeting( i would toss the carpet and buy new for under 100), headliner, door panels. put in garage and keep a fan blowing over them. stock seats will unzip and cover can be machine washed on cold and do not put in dryer otherwise you may shrink and be sol. spray padding with mixture. now spray inside of car with bleach mixture, dont spray dash or remaining int peices with the bleach though. get a large dish or pan like a cookie sheet and pour 100% bleach in it and let in sit on the floor of the car. bleach fumes kill too shut the car up and let the fumigation begin. leave the car for closed up for a few hours. you need to remoce your air cabin air filter in the glove box too and replace it with a new one after all of this is done.next, follow this very good write up and will work to finish the job.

If you have very much mold at all in your car, then you should wear a dust mask while you work on it. Some molds can be very serious health concerns when inhaled. With that said… Molds are actually fungi that breakdown organic matter. The mold has formed predominately due to the moisture level and warm temperatures inside the car. In order for you to be able to effectively work with the mold, you must COMPLETELY air out / dry out the inside of the car thoroughly. This can be done any number of ways including running the car with the heater or air conditioning on with two windows cracked open until the inside dries. There are small, inexpensive 110v dehumidifiers (made for use inside gun safes) that fit nicely inside of any car. Once the car is completely dry inside, you can vacuum away the mold. Aim a fan to blow air through the car – which simulates drying even in humid conditions. A small, soft brush will help in fabric areas. Finish by using appropriate, mild cleaners to get the final residue off of the harder interior surfaces like the dashboard. When you are done, spray the inside of the car with Lysol disinfectant spray and close the door for an hour. Be sure to keep the car dry on the inside from now on. Mold is all over, but when it develops enough for a person to see, it's a problem. You can purchase small packs of desiccant at the store to place under the seats and help ensure a much less humid space. Note: Chlorine bleach is excellent for killing mold, and is commonly suggested for destroying it. However, it is potentially quite harmful to colors, cloth, plastics, and aluminum.


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^^ nice write up!.. those desiccant pack you talked about... what is that made from?? is it like those silica gel packs that you find in clothing or jackets when you buy them?


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yea thats exactly what it is.
