illegal immigration


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I I hate when people have all these opinions about Mexicans and how they should stop coming to America, and this that and the other when you have never been there and have no idea what they live like over there

just because where they live sucks doesnt mean that it should be ok to just run across the f**king border and steal someones identity and get all kinds of free s**t that i DONT get working every day paying taxes.. i mean not to sound bitter or anything but there are a TON more places in the world that are bigger s**t holes than that could ever be.. if we took EVERYONE from everywhere that sucked.. you would have no where left to live..


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just because where they live sucks doesnt mean that it should be ok to just run across the f**king border and steal someones identity and get all kinds of free s**t that i DONT get working every day paying taxes.. i mean not to sound bitter or anything but there are a TON more places in the world that are bigger s**t holes than that could ever be.. if we took EVERYONE from everywhere that sucked.. you would have no where left to live..
I'm with you on this one because my wallet was stolen years ago along with my identity. I just got the letter again so I have to prove that I didn't work anywhere else in the country 2yrs ago :( I probably won't get my tax money untill the next year.......... again :cry:

but I'll never forget the Alamo MOTHERFUCKERS!


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I'm with you on this one because my wallet was stolen years ago along with my identity. I just got the letter again so I have to prove that I didn't work anywhere else in the country 2yrs ago :( I probably won't get my tax money untill the next year.......... again :cry:
some guy came into my work earlier today.. mexican ID US "social secuirty" card... the colors on the SS card looked NOTHING like every other one i ever see.. the red was totally wrong.. and then i google search fake ss card and it appears that you can buy those two items together pretty easily.. i really almost wanted to call him out on it.. BUT since he did not understand a f**king word i spoke to him.. i just ran the credit for him.. WOW what a shocker... the social is registered to someone who is dead and they require me to fax proof of id.. what a f**king piece of s**t.. at least he is ruining someones life who is dead..

but that s**t seriously pisses me off because it REALLY f**ks up the people who are innocent (like you)


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ilegal imigrants are good all they do is just work two jobs like 15 hrs every day


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some guy came into my work earlier today.. mexican ID US "social secuirty" card... the colors on the SS card looked NOTHING like every other one i ever see.. the red was totally wrong.. and then i google search fake ss card and it appears that you can buy those two items together pretty easily.. i really almost wanted to call him out on it.. BUT since he did not understand a f**king word i spoke to him.. i just ran the credit for him.. WOW what a shocker... the social is registered to someone who is dead and they require me to fax proof of id.. what a f**king piece of s**t.. at least he is ruining someones life who is dead..

but that s**t seriously pisses me off because it REALLY f**ks up the people who are innocent (like you)

Im am not down with people who use other people socials and s**t but the dudes that mow lawns, wash dishes, dig holes, pick fruits and s**t and bothering anyone, 90% of the time they are just working to send money back home to mexico, its got to suck to be born into a s**t for life and have about a .01% chance of becoming something, i do not hate on the immigrants that come over and do the s**t that the lazy americans wont do, i would much rather have an illegal immigrant washes my dishes than some f**ken relapsing ex con or some f**ken homeless dude


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Im am not down with people who use other people socials and s**t but the dudes that mow lawns, wash dishes, dig holes, pick fruits and s**t and bothering anyone, 90% of the time they are just working to send money back home to mexico, its got to suck to be born into a s**t for life and have about a .01% chance of becoming something, i do not hate on the immigrants that come over and do the s**t that the lazy americans wont do, i would much rather have an illegal immigrant washes my dishes than some f**ken relapsing ex con or some f**ken homeless dude

yes hes (or she) is bothering me.. heres why...

some legal US citizen who is here for the long haul.. like myself for example...
i pay taxes...
i spend my money IN America...
So.. the money that i make gets reinvested into this country to (ideally) make it better..
and for all the spending.. i get NOTHING from the f**king government.. not a cent.. no health care.. nothing..

some illegal border jumper comes into this country..
they work under the table contribute NOTHING to taxes
WORSE they work with someone else's identity and f**ks their s**t all up..
and in return they take %95 of the earnings they make and send it back to mexico..
so.. to recap.. NO tax contributions.. NO reinvestment through spending..
and what do they get in return..

BETTER f**king HEALTH CARE THAN ME... so yeah.. i take f**king offense to that s**t.. land of equality my ass..


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yes hes (or she) is bothering me.. heres why...

some legal US citizen who is here for the long haul.. like myself for example...
i pay taxes...
i spend my money IN America...
So.. the money that i make gets reinvested into this country to (ideally) make it better..
and for all the spending.. i get NOTHING from the f**king government.. not a cent.. no health care.. nothing..

some illegal border jumper comes into this country..
they work under the table contribute NOTHING to taxes
WORSE they work with someone else's identity and f**ks their s**t all up..
and in return they take %95 of the earnings they make and send it back to mexico..
so.. to recap.. NO tax contributions.. NO reinvestment through spending..
and what do they get in return..

BETTER f**king HEALTH CARE THAN ME... so yeah.. i take f**king offense to that s**t.. land of equality my ass..
if you think plenty of mom and pop businesses dont pay under the table your wrong, im sure 10 of thousands of more people here work under the table, and the immigrants here have to spend money here just to survive you would assume, however it might not be all of their f**ken money, and when someone EARNS money they have the right to do whatever they please even if it is sending it to another country, you are upset about the idendity thieves i understand that but im talking about the hard working immigrants that do the jobs americans dont and work 10x harder than most americans for 1/2 the pay, can you give me an example of an illeal immigrant getting better healthcare than you?


RIP - MH - 11/06/06
But making money in this country and taking it out of the country is bad, especially when inflation is on the rise.

If they were to apply for citizenship, and do the same job for atleast mininum wage or higher, then they could send all of their money to the homeland for all I care, but no taxes, no dinero imo..


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its got to suck to be born into a s**t for life and have about a .01% chance of becoming something

most of those guys seem to be able to afford mountain bikes, internet access, digital cameras, cars, etc ... so living in mexico and having a decent living is possible. We are getting the bottom of the barrel that illegally immigrate to america.


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if you think plenty of mom and pop businesses dont pay under the table your wrong, im sure 10 of thousands of more people here work under the table, and the immigrants here have to spend money here just to survive you would assume, however it might not be all of their f**ken money, and when someone EARNS money they have the right to do whatever they please even if it is sending it to another country,
you are not earning it by SNEAKING into another country and stealing jobs from other people.. you say oh americans wont do that.. i ask you.. will americans NOT do that because its a suck job.. OR is it more because the influx of illegals willing to do it at a fraction of the cost have made it a suck job.. there are PLENTY of suck jobs in this country that pay VERY well.. the reason is simply because they are too large scale to get away with hiring illegals.. remove the illegals who are willing to work for nothing.. and these jobs are then FORCED to meet minimum wadge requirements.. at THAT point the job is not shitty anymore.. and you NOW have opened an entire sector of work BACK up to the unemployed people who are LEGALLY in this country.. you basically kill two birds with one stone..

you give me an example of an illeal immigrant getting better healthcare than you?
sure..\\There are over 300,000 estimated anchor babies born to illegal alien mothers each year in the U.S. - babies who automatically attain citizenship. Illegal alien mothers now add more to U.S. population each year than immigration from all sources in an average year before 1965.

FAIR estimates "there are currently between 287,000 and 363,000 children born to illegal aliens each year. In 1994, California paid for 74,987 deliveries to illegal alien mothers, at a total cost of $215.2 million (an average of $2,842 per delivery). Illegal alien mothers accounted for 36 percent of all Medi-Cal funded births in California that year."

In a recent year in Colorado, the state's emergency Medicaid program paid an estimated $30 million in hospital and physician delivery costs for about 6,000 illegal immigrant mothers - average of $5,000 per baby. Those 6,000 births to illegal aliens represent 40% of the births paid for by Medicaid in Colorado. Those 6,000 babies immediately became U.S. citizens and qualified for full Medicaid services, with a cost yet to be tabulated.

But making money in this country and taking it out of the country is bad, especially when inflation is on the rise.

If they were to apply for citizenship, and do the same job for atleast mininum wage or higher, then they could send all of their money to the homeland for all I care, but no taxes, no dinero imo..
yes yes and yes...

most of those guys seem to be able to afford mountain bikes, internet access, digital cameras, cars, etc ... so living in mexico and having a decent living in possible. We are getting the bottom of the barrel that illegally immigrate to america.

f**king straight.. and in a LOT of cases people who are convicted felons and s**t (in mexico) looking for that magical start over..

i agree..


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We have those huge coronas here... they're like 4 bucks or something... but beer's insanely expensive in Canada


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We have those huge coronas here... they're like 4 bucks or something... but beer's insanely expensive in Canada
how about weed.. and car laws.. im REALLY considering heading up to canada to live.. might take some years to get the funds together.. but.. im really really thinking about it....


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Since our country is driven by the economy, businesses are trying to get the most bang for their buck. Not only are they out sourcing to other countries (very low standards and little or no concern of their safety, etc), those businesses are hiring the illegal immigrants.

If the companies did not offer these jobs, people would not come over to find a job.

As an analogy...Take shoppers and walmart. People choose to shop at walmart because they have the lowest prices. As a result, the business does very well. Along the same vein, businesses choose to hire illegal immigrants because it's cheaper than hiring someone who is a citizen.

All of this stems from US' cutthroat business culture.

People are going to try to do the best they can for their families, and if a job is available, they will take it.

Sometimes you need to step back and wonder WHY these people are coming over. Most of the epople who are illegal immigrants make below minimum wage. Also, since they spend money on food, etc within the US, they DO pay taxes in the form of sales tax. I know that they aren't paying actual taxes, i just wanted to point out that they do pay some taxes.

I don't have the right answer or an argument one way or another, but the argument is MORE than just "illegal immigrants come and steal jobs and don't pay taxes." That's what is on the serface, but it's not the whole story.


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how about weed.. and car laws.. im REALLY considering heading up to canada to live.. might take some years to get the funds together.. but.. im really really thinking about it....
Please do...

Winnipeg is one of the top Canadian cities IMO... it may not have the natural beauty of say Vancouver or... Vancouver :lol: but if you can handle -30 days a couple days of the winter.. but it's winter. Last year I broke my hand twice, my ankle REALLY badly needed surgery twice for both and I paid nothing. Weed is a joke, I've never EVER been worried about picking up from someone new. If I got caught, what would I face... a ticket?

Car laws are... well not the same as the states, I guess I see it differently because I see it every day.


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how about weed.. and car laws.. im REALLY considering heading up to canada to live.. might take some years to get the funds together.. but.. im really really thinking about it....
ontario is starting to get on california's level ... heres what happened to a guy on a few years back


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See! That's what I'm talking about. If people can find a way to force businesses to be legit, it would happen less.

Of course, that increases the incentive for companies to outsource to other countries even MORE, reducing the number of jobs in the US even more. At least with illegal immigrants, they spend money in the US. ><

It's a crazy cycle.
