live video feed help

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i rock the sohc
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I know there are a bunch of tech junkies in here, so i thought id ask you guys for help.

As you know, we drag race. What we want to do is to be able to post a live feed on the internets so that people can video an event from home in real time. What would we need to do to make this happen? We have video cameras, and a laptop which we can dedicate to a video feed. I assume that we will need some type of internet card through a phone provider that will allow us to have a good internet connection.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. We really want to share our race events with our fans/customers world wide :D

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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The problem with this is going to be internet speeds. You're going to be uploading, and your cell signal is always going to be changing, which means the upload rate is also going to change, up and down. What would work perfectly at the beginning of the strip, at the end of the strip could have crappy signal, which would bring that live feed to a hault.

You're best bet is going to just record the races, then upload them.

If you're absolutely set on this, just get a regular webcam (5MP), strap it to a roll bar on the car, have the laptop in there, sign up for and you'll be set to go.

got traction

i rock the sohc
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the plan would be to only have a camera in the tower, or at the christmas tree, so its not like it would be moving constantly. We want to include everyone who is racing, not just our cars. We already have go pro's for in car footage, and that is used to monitor driver habits.

Mr. Jollypants

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Check your cell signal at tracks you will frequent the most, make sure it's good signal, and not 1 or 2 bars.

If your area has 4G, or the tracks you'll be going to are in a 4G area, get the a Verizon USB 4G device. You'll be paying out the ass for the data (8GB I think is what they are now for business?), and once you go over that, it's $10/GB. They aren't that expensive, about 20 bucks for a 2 year contract. Plug it in, get connected to the cell network, and start uploading. Just remember to keep an eye on your data usage.

got traction

i rock the sohc
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uploading to what? thats what we're trying to figure out. total n00bs at this kinda stuff. i need to know how to get footage from camera to computer to internets


Your Mom's Moderator
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I believe that it needs a host. Kind of like photobucket is for photos, you need one like that but for streaming live. I think that is what Jolly is getting at.

This is what the Mario Marathon guys use to stream their live charity gaming event every year. Might be worth a look.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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15+ Year Member or are going to be the best bet.


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first, good job on paying go pro's. i have a few hero's (the hd one) I'm one of the owners of pro audio visual inc.

but what you are trying to do is very easy in todays world. first thing is cam and computer. which u said you have both.

next is internet. a lot of ways to get it. and u don't need much..... a lot of people stream at 500-800 kbps. on anything with 4g LTE you should be great. but on 3g.... its going to be 50-50. (how far you are from tower, how many people are using that tower, weather, man... a lot of things) but that docent mean u cant lower the stream to 300 or 200kbps. (also think about calling the track you are going to and see if they have wifi)

after you think you got that down. you need an host. a host is needed to let everyone see it at ones as your internet cant push it out 100 times. (or whatever number of viewers you have) with that there is a million of host sites. just google web streaming and find the one you like. few things to look at when picking your hosting site...... money (how much), then how many viewers can you have at 1 time, what kbps (high = better video stream), and the biggest thing to look at now days is if that host has h.264. (thats all you ipod, ipad, iphone, and safari as ALL mac's that ship now don't have flash)

if you really need help please email me at lol, free to talk =) you have helped me a few times

oooo hell, if any one needs help let me know.
