need a new alternator?


New Member
I have a 98 civic ex coupe. Had a problem with my radio turning off at a certain volume. so i bought a new radio, and then checked all the wiring, fuses and its still good. so i removed my amp and sub, and bought a new battery. it was working great and now again all of sudden at a volume of 20 or more the radio just shuts off, then comes back on. It doesnt turn my car off, but my headlights dim when the bass hits or when i hit the brakes... does it sound like my alternators going bad? oh and a few times i went to start my car and turned the key, and nothing.... didnt make a clicking noise nothing... then i took the key out... put it back in and bam it started up clean.... any clues?


D-Series Soldier
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There we go, maybe you need a capacitor...:what:


Too Much Traction
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5+ Year Member
I had a lot of issues so I just removed my subs lol


New Member
Hmmmmm......... Have you checked the grounds from your battery to the car? Ground to chassis and ground to motor? If they are bad then it could cause issues like what you are talking about. If you had a bad alternator it would'nt charge the battery which means if the battery is dead then it is dead and would'nt just come alive all of the sudden. I guess there could also be the possibility that the ignition switch may be faulty and not allowing enough current to pass through but I would'nt think it would cause those issues. If you have a volt meter you can check the voltage at the battery while the car is running to see if the alternator is charging the battery. While running it should read somewhere around 13.5 volts dc. If it is in the 12 range then have your alternator checked or clean up all the grounds and retest.


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im posting here because i think this is as close as ill get. i have a kenwood deck that pulls 4x54 watt. a jensen 400 watt 4channel amp(using only 2 channels) and two 10" 1100 watt sony xplodes. no other modifications to electrical system. when driving last night i noticed that my brakes would cause my headlights to dim. nothing else had problems car never had problems starting blah blah blah perfect car. well was perfect. haha. bad grounds? bad battery? i dont wanna create a new thread since this is close to me...btw i dont mean to thread jack but its pretty much dead...o and my defrost was on since that is warmer than my heater but only on 2. i have a 96 civic dx 5speed
