Noisy Interior? Survey

TKO Performance

New Member
Hey guys,

I hope you don't mind but I wanted to reach out and get some information & opinions regarding the noise level inside your rides. This really applies to noise that comes from the rear of the vehicle.
We are not selling anything. This is strictly a post to get your feedback. I'm posting in a few sections to simply hear from each group/gen

We have developed a pat pending sound deadening mat that helps remove unwanted interior noise like tire/ road noise& some drone from exhaust. You just toss it in. No ripping out seats and carpet.
We make it now for another make and model (Corvette). However we are looking to see if certain year Civics’ also suffer from annoying interior noise too & could benefit from what we might produce.
This is strictly to gather info to see if it’s something that can be used in the Honda Civic. We are not selling anything (we have not even made this yet).

I couldn’t think of a better way to get solid info & opinions then to speak to the enthusiasts themselves.

*Do you experience annoying noise from the rear of the car? For example behind the back seat, trunk, cargo area?

*Do you guys get a lot of tire & road noise? This applies especially to people in certain states like TX, FL, CA, where concrete & asphalt roads make the tires roar.

*Do you have stock or aftermarket exhaust and is it too loud for long trips? (These mats let the sweet exhaust note through. We are talking where its so loud you can hear your passenger, Bluetooth is useless....)

*Are certain years/generations worse then others? Can you advise us as to what gens group together?

I appreciate any help. Thank you for reading this!


I had a Civic once.
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I've moved this thread to Off-Topic and deleted the identical posts in the other gen sections :thumbs up
