out sightseeing with my orange rice


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i made a thread for the needles ages ago.

heres a summary,
buy florecent paint(Micheals had like a 6 pack in a halloween package thing for like $5)
buy a uv light 4inch preferrered or any color choice cathode(sp?) tube
open ur gauges and paint ur choice of color
add the tube into the top part of the gauge and hide it, there will be a small opening on top where u can place it
wire the tube to the dimmer of ur gauge to control the brightness of the light.


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that SUV could probably back up on top of your car not seeing you were there. :lol:
car looks good...and i hated driving in SF for my last job with a trailer attached to our Commander. my Rebel XTi got stolen at the Pier from our company car. :-(


New Member
Yeah, that was the first thing that I noticed when looking at the pics. DIY "Spoon" needles. This will surely start some contraversy. However, I think it would be an excellent thread to start. Please, start a thread and include some pics of the gauges and a DIY explanation on how you did this. Lots will hate....Lots will love. Personally, I kind of dig it bro.
Let's here how you did it. I had thought of painting my Si gauge needles yellow with model kit paint, putting the oem carbon bezel on it, and giving it the "type r" look. I was on the fence about the rice-factor of this, so I just played it safe. However, start a post!
Just a thought.
it wont start any controversy...not on this forum.


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Doesn't painting your needles weigh them down and make them not work correctly?...
And chargespeed sides would look good man.


~Team Penguin
5+ Year Member
clean car, not feeling the lip tho, I think it would be so much better with the Mugen 1, either way still look clean.


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please check the time stamps, thread is just about a month old!
