Painting Question.


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Half of my car is primered from the 00 front end i put on and on the other half the Milano red has some clear coat cracks that look like webs and just not as shiny as it could be. Have heard nothing but bad things from macco and if i had 1-2k for a paint job id be spending it on a motor haha. Painted the fenders and it came out pretty good and summer is rolling around so thinking about giving a respray. Q1. When i painted my fenders i used rattle base and clear, did about 3-4 coats of clear, light 2000g wet sand then buff with Meguiars UC. a day later birdshit and water drops stained the paint so for clear would i have to use something out of a gun? Q2. have heard mixed answers but do i really have to primer? Or can i just sand off clear and start spraying?

Planning on Rattlecaning Battleship grey but taking color suggestions, just want something a little different. Before getting flammed for rattle can im doing it because 1.Lack of Funds for Gun and Compressor 2. I think it feels better being complimented on your car when YOU did it, especially when they find out its rattlecan.


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most times the rattle can look will look worst than any maaco paint job..i say go for maaco and do the prep work yourself. on my old civic i got a maaco paint job, i just did all the body work on it before giving it to them to spray the paint on. 4 years later and the paint was still on great with no orange peel or anything.


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most times the rattle can look will look worst than any maaco paint job..i say go for maaco and do the prep work yourself. on my old civic i got a maaco paint job, i just did all the body work on it before giving it to them to spray the paint on. 4 years later and the paint was still on great with no orange peel or anything.
Word. Preparation means so much in paint and that's really where maaco fails. Sand it, prime it, etc all by yourself and then just have them spray it with quality paint. Just like he said. Lol

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^^ they said it before but I will say it again, for the money do your own prep and let macco do the rest


New Member
Yea while i was painting my fenders, i had to learn its all in the prep the hard way haha. Quality is always good but i want to do it myself, after all thats the only way to learn. have couple of friends with guns the only thing i would need is a compressor. For "good" paint, how much would it come out to be?


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Macco does OK paint jobs, but most of the people that b****, went in for the $600 spray, and want it to look like a $3,500 job.
You can make the work more decent if you scrub down the car first, and then mask it off in the parking lot for them, or just pay more money.

Painting over paint you do not "have" to primer. Why most people do it, is because a good base paint cost lots of money, and unless your painting the same color over again, the primer helps lower the amount of coats of base you need to get full coverage.

Rattle can paint sucks, firstly because it comes out of the can really really thin, it would take many coats to get close to what a gun can put down in one pass. Secondly, on big areas like a hood, its going to take a good amount of cans, and the chances of doing it w/o tiger striping it are pretty slim, unless you have a nice place with 0 wind to do it in.

Keep in mind you see many pictures of rattle canned cars online, but the pictures you see, are from and angle that makes the car look better then it really is in person. I do understand where you are coming from on the money issue, try looking into the $50 paint job if you havent already.

Im not making this up, done it myself lol.
