Please help.


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Please help me, I am in a pickle.
I just recently moved from Northern Indiana to Central Florida.
I have a 1995 Civic Lx Automatic with 120,000 miles on it. I have put quite some time and money into with routine maintenance and upkeep. I havent had anything go bad on it except radiator, water pump and o2 sensors. Ive been the proud owner for about 4 years now.
Okay now the problem, my mechanic is 1300 miles away, no brothers and or father. Im a 24 year old female (aka the mechanic's wet dream to scam) I mean, I know quite a bit about my car and how to listen and drive it well but as of past 2 weeks Ive been having little bit of problems.

-First off it starts weird. It doesnt turn over right away, it takes an extra 2 seconds and sometimes hops and or seem like its not going to start at all. Its not everytime though sometimes it starts fine and other times it starts like that.It starts horribly when the car sits like over night or all day at work.

-Than sometimes when Im like stopped at a red light it putts, almost like its going to stall out?It hasnt stalled out yet it just jerks a little bit but doesnt happen all the time.

-And on top of that my acceleration is shot, the get up and go has gone and went. I noticed today when I was on the highway I had to slow down (cop) and when I tried to get back up to speed it started to shake a little.

The mechanics I have talked to have basically gave me the ring around and have treated me like an idiot.
Any advice/opionios/diagnosis you guys have would greatly be appreciated!!!!!
I think it has something to do with my fuel pump/filter.....that area??????If anyone lives in central Florida and willing to recommend a good mechanic let me know.
My email is
Please help me....


-----Distracted you, huh?
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5+ Year Member
first off, change the fuel filter and throw about half a can of seafoam into it....let it run for a few minutes....after that turn it off and start it again....what is most likely happening is that your injectors are dirty from bad gas


5+ Year Member
i would change fuel filter or maybe check your cap and rotor maybe wet or oil has seeped in


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5+ Year Member
Okay so I have got my fuel filter changed and its running like a dream BUT it is still having problems starting.


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I tell everyone with a sluggish car to check their oil cause I had a car with a blown head gasket...

your car is showing the signs like mine was. Check the oil and see if it looks like water is in it...

if have a blown head gasket...

Basically your car has a problem combusting it sounds like.

it could be from any number of things...but the most important things your car needs for good combustion are spark, timing, and compression.

now to get spark you need fuel and of course your spark you got a new fuel filter, as stated above, you could try to clean your injectors, and then I would check your plugs, and wires/distributer...if any of these are bad, it could be the cause.

next issue is timming, more difficult to check, but if your car jumped time(if the timing belt slipped and is notwhere its supposed to be) for example...the spark and all of the engine mechanicaright together...

last is compression...if the head gasket or your rings are shot= no compression so the engine will not opperate correctly and it could ruin the engine if you drive w/ a bad head gasket.


5+ Year Member
Check ur battery n starter ......that could as well be the problem for the car taken to long to start....


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ahh running now...

well starting is much simpler to diagnose...starter, battery, thats it...usually


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5+ Year Member
Your in Celebration? I work over off Sandlake near Idrive. I have an awesome mechanic downtown I always use if you ever need. Gene's Auto - down off of virginia/corrine. They have been here over 40 years and they are honest and nice... something you don't see too often lately!


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Suggested Mechanic in Central Florida

New lurker to the forum, stumbled on your post. I live in Daytona Beach and always take my civic to Daytona CV and Axle on Mason ave. But Orlando is just as much central Florida as Daytona so I am not sure that will help.
