Price Check Please


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I personally would pass. Branded title would do it for me and the fact that it dies AND has hard starting would make my decision that much easier. He claims they are easy fixes. If so, why not fix them then? Lazy or are there more underlying problems that he isn't mentioning or is purposely leaving out?

Sorry. They are a dime a dozen and even though they are stolen constantly, you can still find one that runs and isn't branded.


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I'd stay away from it too, the title absolutely kills the value and with the mechanical issues, you can do better.


New Member
I'd pass on a car that someone drives without a timing


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I don't have a timing cover either lol


I'd pass. Like earlier people said. If they are easy fixes most people would fix them and make a little more off their car. Plus I prefer not to buy cars people have already been playing with. You don't know how hard they ran it. Plus building is half the fun!


New Member
tough one...

If i were you I'd ask the guy to define "easy fix" Lethal and black98exnc are right, if its as easy as he says it is why isn't it fixed? he could sell it for more that way. Figure out what exactly is wrong then ask around to see how much it would be to fix or how much the part is. And for the title, do you intend on driving the car for a long time.. I personally plan on running my car to the ground, but if you aren't take that into account too.

Best of Luck! the car looks awesome!


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For the most part when someone builds a vehicle to handle a lead foot, they generally drive it with a lead foot or what else would be the point? I say pass as well. Just isn't worth that much (especially with the branded title.)


New Member
He states in the post he built it to race it. And if he had to replace third gear that is exactly what he did with that car is race. Third is the most common gear to go out for honda's that are drag raced.

Pass on this unless you can get it closer to 3k
