Rebuild Question...


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5+ Year Member
so... I have a Y7 block, with a Y8 crank and a Z6 head.

The engine is torn down, I already have the head parts, but I need to order the bottom end kit now. I'm going the FJT's website, but I need to special order because it's hybrid..

My main questions are:

1.) What Water pump do I use?
2.) What Timing belt do I use? they're the same, correct?
3.) What head gasket do I use?
4.) Is there anything else that I could need that I'm not catching?

lmk what you guys got for me... Anyone that can help would be great!



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Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
water and oil pump will be for a y7 block. the timing belt for the d series should be the same. not sure on the gasket...should also be the same...but check the numbers in the book.

i know that rock gaskets has a listing of all their products by make and model. logic tells me that since it is a d-series the gasket should be the same.

i do know that the oil pump is different from the z6 to the y7/y8 block. cross check the stock numbers...
