Shifter movement.


New Member
Just started noticing the transmission shifter (5 speed manual) moving a little more than usual. It's most noticeable from 1st to 3rd gear. When I push the gas pedal the shifter moves downward - as if it's pulled downward slightly- and also moves forward at the same time. When I release the gas pedal the shifter moves upward and backward. Now, I'm not saying it moves like a couple of inches but I'd say maybe around 3/4 or so of an inch. I don't have a loose shifter though and no problems shifting into and out of any gear however just lately started hearing like a bang or a thud when I shift from 4th or 3rd into 2nd after a roll for example but it only makes the sound if I do the shifting harshly (by harshly I mean like not releasing the clutch gradually). I suspect it's a transmission mount but I'm not sure since I've never had a transmission mount or engine mount problems with any of my cars in the past. Again, gears work normally and the shifter doesn't get stuck or anything and shifting is smooth overall. I know shifters move a little but I think mine is moving a little more than usual. Any idea?



I had a Civic once.
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Could be a bad motor mount or mounts; engine is rocking slightly when you let off the gas.


New Member
Thanks for the reply, Xploder. I don't feel the engine move at all. It's the transmission that I feel moving, kind of, when I shift. I hope it's just a trans. mount and nothing with the trans. itself.


Surge Master
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The transmission is bolted to the engine....

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5+ Year Member
It may also be a bad bearing in the transmission. I had one that started dropping out of 3rd gear if I let off the gas too fast. The mounts were fine, but when I took apart the trans, found the input shaft bearing has come apart (trans was growling by that time as well)
I'd double check those engine and trans mounts, and if good then look into maybe rebuilding the trans


New Member
Took my car to a mechanic to get this checked out as the shifter movement -now accompanied by a sound of metal parts robbing whenever I pushed or released the gas pedal- was getting worse and even the front end felt loose, and he looked underneath (while the car on hoist) and two big bolts were MISSING. I forgot to ask him what they were but I saw the new ones he put in and they were big bolts and probably they're what's holding the tranny in place. He said I was lucky because things could've literally fallen off any time. Now, I know that the guy who had this car before me had just gotten the clutch changed recently. So, most likely the idiot who did that didn't bother to tighten the bolts properly that they BOTH fell off.

No more movement in the shifter now and things feel tight as they should be.


New Member
Well, I don't think knowing what they (the bolts) are called was that important. He showed me the holes were the bolts were supposed to be and I saw the new ones on. Good enough, but I wanted to know just out of curiosity. I'll probably ask him next time.
