Sooo the next VP is kind of a MILF.


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The Polish, Ukranian, and Russians LOVE Chicago for some reason other than the Puerto Ricans and Messicans. But there seems to be an increased amount from those cultures as well here.

Even if we did secure the borders to where no one leaves and no one comes in, it still doesn't make sense for vacation, work, and economical trading purposes. Then we have another 9/11 crisis again on our hands with hijacked airplanes. Lord knows our beaches aren't protected. Just look how most of the Cubians got over here... If they can build it, it will float. But there is still the issue of where the money would come from to do the research of deporting current illegal immigrants. If the resorces of reduced health care and job openings come from getting rid of the immigrants , it still wouldn't help the homeless Americans and thousands of jobless American workers because people have government resorces to reach out to instead of getting up off their asses and doing it for themselves. So your point Anthony isn't really realistic enough. We are back at square one.
secure border =/= closed border



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i agree, john, GOP = fail.

i'm sick of this lipstick s**t already.


White, middle-class
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i like how they hate mercilessly on both parties. it's not particularly slanted, which is also nice.

and to remain slightly on topic, i'd like to see one with palin and biden


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3. Impalin' Palin 2: Journey Into The Alaskan Pipeline

that's the best. :lol:


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Deep Veep Throat
Sarah: Repumplican
Palin Cums to Office
In the Ovary Office
If You Think I'm A Whore, Wait Til You Meet My Daughter
Nail My Daughter Bareback, I'll Keep The Baby
The Backdoor President
The Backdoor President 2: Not Without My Daughter
The Backdoor President 3: The Fist Amendment
Drilling the Alaskan Pipeline
Two Running Mates, One Cup
Bust a nut in the Vice President's butt.
2nd in charge likes 'em LARGE
