Spammers... Lots of em... YOU can help!


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I didn't think this thread was necessary but just to put it out there...yes, there have been a TON of spammers lately. I have banned over a dozen today alone.

If you do see one, just report it. Don't post in it and have random discussion. Simply report it and the mod staff will take care of it. They post everywhere. Even in the international and regional and both of it's sub-sections. Of course it's our job but if you guys could help us out, that's always appreciated since we don't always catch every single thing.



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Yes, they post everywhere looking for activity. The first person to post in the thread that is made shows them there is activity and then spread like cancer. If they are left alone or killed off (banned) they move on to the next forum. They are called spam bots or "spiders" that hunt for information and use the links that they post to bring traffic.


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I have been reporting them like crazy.

Yep. You're welcome...


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I don't understand how they can register? I can't remember what all you had to do to join here, but I know on some forums I tried to join recently you had to solve a simple math problem or a moderator had to approve you before you could post. Some forums make you post up a welcome thread before the rest of the forum becomes available for you to post in. I always thought that was so dumb but now I see what it's benefits are.


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^^Yea.. I know Justin looked into some anti-spamming measures during our last big wave of spammers, but I don't know what he found / instantiated.

Also, we see who's reporting the threads. Definitely appreciate it.


Registered VIP
HOLY BUTT LOAD OF SPAM! Click "new threads" this morning and I see at least a solid page worth of hand bags and God knows what else threads. Can you guys at least change the amount of time it takes to report them? I don't see the point in waiting 60 seconds before you can report another spam thread. 20 threads = at least 20 minutes to report them all. ARGH!!


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If you don't have the time to report all of them, we're not going to judge you if you don't ;). Perhaps Jay Jay could change that though... Plus lately, I've been checking out the entire site top to bottom and banning any that haven't been reported yet. But yes, it is insane how many there are...


Registered VIP
Time, exactly. I like to surf here first thing in the morning but I only have about 10 minutes. I'll help any way I can, but the 60 second window only allows for me to do so much. New threads look clean again though! Nice work JohnS! :thumbs up


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Completely understandable. Like I said, any help is appreciated. And thanks ;).

I wish you could one-touch on tapatalk without having to open your browser. It'd make it a lot easier when I'm on break at work lol.


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I was wondering y it was only letting me report one every so often. Thats gay...


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Weird... I wonder if they're specifically targeting us over night.


Your Mom's Moderator
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Yeah. I have clean/banned over 20 today. Most in the last hour or 2. This round seems to post 10-15 posts in a single thread and then go dormant.

As I sit here, there are at least 6 that I can see in the active member list but with my mod level, I can't touch them until they post. Grrrrrrrr. It's like seeing a bunch of flys and not having a fly swatter.


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Ive been reporting but only being able to report one per minute is gay.


Your Mom's Moderator
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Thank you guys for reporting. It helps alot when the spam is heavy like this.

One thing I would like to ask is to not post in the threads with spam in them until we can remove it. I don't know about the other guys, but when it is heavy like this I scan through all the bumped threads looking for screen names that are not familiar or are out of place. When someone posts in there that I know or recognize I move right by not knowing that there is spam just above that post.

Other than that, you guys are helping a ton. When you report it clumps them all in a special forum section for us and we can go through with the ban stick and clean 'em out.
