transmission swap


New Member
Hey im doing an auto to manual conversion on my 95 honda civic ex. I was told i needed to use the ex or si trans that is a B000. What year models could i get this transmission out of? Could i go above a 95 or only 92-95?


Registered VIP
Registered OG
5+ Year Member
Assuming you have a d-series motor any 88-00 civic d-series transmission will work.


New Member
Ok well that helps me alot. Is there one that is stronger than the other or no? Ive been told i need to get one out of an ex or si!


Team Exile/ADO Garage
Registered VIP
There's not one that is stronger than the other, only differences in gearing. But yeah, get the B000 since it's the transmission that's supposed to come with the manual version of your car.
Like Kensai said, you can get any 88-00 D-Series Tranny, but keep in mind that there are differences between tranny years and gearing for different models and body types.
88-91 years will be Cable.
92-00 years will be Hydraulic.
If you can't get a B000, I would at least recommend getting any 92-00.
