What are you doing / did you do today / CHAT THREAD


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Just woke up..off today. Gotta run to the doctor, then tan, get groceries again, and finally he wine and cheese class tonight!


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Listening to soothing piano music... I miss this s**t. Sometimes I like to kick back, play some of this stuff, and just relax.... Back when I used to live in an apartment with some friends, when they would go away for the night, I would put on "Rainy Mood" on loop and sleep like a baby.


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Fell on my ass dunking today, gonna head to the chiropractor tomorrow after work.


B20: Detroit Muscle!
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Tosh standup then new tosh.0!


Chillin' Canadian Member
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Working... my old job hired me back for the summer while I'm back in my hometown while off from school. They called me in yesterday to do some work cause they were short on people, and they immediately hired me at the end of the day after saying that they were reminded again of why they liked having me around.


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spent some time with my girl after picking her up after school
got my integra shifter and swapped that for my stock one
really happy with the result


New Member
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^ must be nice lol
school work, work short shift doing my job a favor 11 till 2 then spend the rest of the time with the gf shooting pool getting wasted etc.


I ♥ NYGraFFit :)
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Feeling miserable due to allergies and an allergic reaction to the ink in my tattoos... :( FML

charlie brown

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Feeling miserable due to allergies and an allergic reaction to the ink in my tattoos... :( FML

In class thinking about my car. go figure.
That sucks about the tattoo, what would cause that. my wife is about to get another one and you're situation make me wonder.


Frame Bangin
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In class thinking about my car. go figure.
That sucks about the tattoo, what would cause that. my wife is about to get another one and you're situation make me wonder.
Red ink is made from shellfish and if you are allergic to them you cant get red ink.

My plans for the day. Fix a sound system in a jetta, Header install on a integra and intake


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did school work worked 11 till 2 super short shift lol got all my pills refilled at kmart sitting here messed up surfing the web off work tommrw


Failboat sails at 9
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Bout to finish up my advanced individual counseling hw for the week and then based on the outdoor climate, I'll likely be working all day.


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Work, relax, maybe guitar/singing, WoW, sleep. Then doing it all over again... Thank God tomorrow is Friday.

Red ink is made from shellfish and if you are allergic to them you cant get red ink.
That would really suck if a dude that was allergic to shellfish got a tattoo on his junk with red ink...


Frame Bangin
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Getting paid to sit in my works truck on the internet to babysit it in the middle of the city. The tie rod snapped


I had a Civic once.
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At work right now.. my last day as a student worker (then going on Co-op working full time all summer).

Getting my motorcycle permit today =)

bought this last night....

It was $30... :shock:

Nothing like hookah and bacon flavored vodka... had a shot of it (it's... interesting...).. and switched to beer for the rest of the night.

Took my last final for the quarter (RIT uses quarters not semesters - we are weird).

Final grades looking to be A-A-B-D. First D ever here. The 22 on the final probably didn't help :lol:
