What are you doing / did you do today / CHAT THREAD


B20: Detroit Muscle!
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just looked at my work calendar and realized i have 5 hrs of meetings today fml


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Watching womans world cup atm.

Then work..


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work 8-3:30, wrench on car from 3:45-4:30, eat supper, go to other job from 5:30-10:45, bed. repeat tomorrow. gotta finance the project and college somehow.


OG スバリスト
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went to check out venues for wedding/reception.... now i'm about to crunch the numbers and see where we stand.


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bought one of those "e cigarettes" you know the ones you can smoke anywhere cause its just vapor, not to shabby


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bought one of those "e cigarettes" you know the ones you can smoke anywhere cause its just vapor, not to shabby
Better than breathing smoke right?

Ive never smoked before...not even once :???: something about inhaling smoke into your lungs just doesnt fit right.

Anyways kind of wanted to play soccer before work tonight but looks like they're going to play later...
Door window visors came in today though :D rear window visor will be here tomorrow and black housing headlights soon after that...excited :D :D


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Decided to play a little soccer before work. Left with 2-1 on the scoreboard :D

Man it feels good to get out and get some exercise again.


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:cool:I went to my friends shop to get my car's electrical system checked out cuz some dashboard lights wont go on and my brake lights dnt work anymore. but other than that since its my day off of work ive just been bumming it.


Has no filter
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bought one of those "e cigarettes" you know the ones you can smoke anywhere cause its just vapor, not to shabby
My roomie did that(outside smoker only). 3 weeks later she's smokefree and she wasn't crabby at all, didn't eat more; was happy as can be.

I had to do a floor change at work, then came home to a house w/ no AC again. 4th time this year. Gonna stab someone soon, I swear.


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I'm falling asleep at work... Bored as f**k.... I've got work to do but it's projects that aren't due until the end of August... So I pretty much sit here with my thumb up my butt every day.


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Working my side job today and packing for Toronto. Leaving tomorrow to go see the Blue Jays vs. Yankees on Saturday.


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Man I wish I could go on vacation... Sucks being a contractor. I don't get any vacation and no pay = no show. Most of my money is going towards school loans and credit card payments and now I got s*** I gotta fix on my car so there goes some of my savings... Seems like everytime I save a good chunk of money something happens and I'm forced to spend it. Every...single...time.


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tell me about it. it sucks.

working only the one job today then picking up distributor for my del sol, made deposit on HFP entire kit for my FA5, bored at work, and babysitting my gf's cousin's 9 month old baby (with my gf, so she'll probably do that).. that'll be interesting.


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I used to work 2 jobs. Screw that crap, I'm done with that. I did it for 4 years. I love my regular 6-2:30 job. Plus with summer hours now, I work 4 days and get a 3 day weekend unless I feel like working on Friday or Saturday for over time.


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lucky son of a gun. i'm just working two jobs over the summer, then in september its back to school. working at the theatre and tutoring, and if i have any spare time studying, and/or working a third job. school drains money so fast, as does the car hobby.. my loans are almost gone and i have two trips to take this summer.


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got a call from my best friend and was told someone broke into my car -___- and WHO IN THE RIGHT MIND STEALS A VALVE COVER? and two days after i was trying to sell my car
gonna do today:
>:] call my insurance and get some money to get another civic
and then get my dad's title transferred over for him


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Man that sobe life water or whatever commercial with that chick and the staring contest is hard to beat...its impossible...just impossible... :shock:


Frame Bangin
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Removed my beaks bar and tow hook to try and sell them. Fully detailed the car and my dad truck.
