illegal immigration


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but about this side will ever win or prove their point until there are no undocumented workers in this country somehow and we get to see firsthand the effects of such circumstance. discussions like these are nice but when between people set in their views they are pointless.


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i sat in an overcrowded classroom myself, i had outdated s**t, i live in a small apt, nyc is pretty crowded, when has health care being cheap in this country. u assumed a lot of things about me to make a point. assumptions are usually not good ways to win an argument.
funny you say that.. you went to school in NYC and it was overcrowded.. the city itself offers you a small apartment... and its crowded..

ironic.. but NYC is a sanctuary city.. LOL

i went to school in ocean city NJ.. and it was the complete and polar opposite.. and i think the only illegals we had there cut the lawns..

wonder if illegal immigration has any impact on the quality of life one can expect in a city.. ;)


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disagree... exchanging thoughts and ideas is NEVER pointless...
it is, when the people exchanging those ideas have no plan to change their own. the point of discussing stuff is to possibly rethink ones ideas but i dont think neither you or i plan to do that more than we already have. its interesting but nothing more.


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wonder if illegal immigration has any impact on the quality of life one can expect in a city.. ;)
i wouldnt say it does actually. in dictates your quality of life and nothing else. i dont see how immigrants affect my life. i mean if anything they bring prices down. i am not discontent as to where i live i was just making a point that you assumed a lot of things as to show I dont know what i am talkign about.

i really just dont see it to be honest. i can understand they use resources. however they put in more than they take out so it works out anyways. plus taking illegal immigration out of the equation will net smaller results than lets say getting rid of welfare (which i absolutely detest because it promotes complacency).


I'm getting there...
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thank you astheros for bringing some common sense instead of the "kill the illegals" attitude...

if no one noticed this thread became extremely racist towards mexicanos...


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if you think plenty of mom and pop businesses dont pay under the table your wrong, im sure 10 of thousands of more people here work under the table, and the immigrants here have to spend money here just to survive you would assume, however it might not be all of their f**ken money, and when someone EARNS money they have the right to do whatever they please even if it is sending it to another country, you are upset about the idendity thieves i understand that but im talking about the hard working immigrants that do the jobs americans dont and work 10x harder than most americans for 1/2 the pay, can you give me an example of an illeal immigrant getting better healthcare than you?
Ok, I'll jump in on this one as I am effected every day by it.

Your right, it's their money and they can do as they wish. If everyone in this country sent their money to other countries, there would'nt be an economy.

Health care: Yeah when they( not just hispanics) can have children for free, and their children are legal, they can collect welfare and government health insurance. Yeah thats a hell of alot better then my 300 a month blue cross. with little to no deductables (sp) f**k yeah thats better then any insurance anyone can buy through their place of employement. I understand what it's like in mexico. I was born and raised in southern california, so yeah I know how it is. I understand your arguement because you are hispanic, but your also an American, think about what the illegal immigration is doing to this country and think about what it will be like for your children and grandchildren waiting at the back of the line if they ever need any state help.

This is not a personal attack towards you at all, it's only my opinion.


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thank you astheros for bringing some common sense instead of the "kill the illegals" attitude...

if no one noticed this thread became extremely racist towards mexicanos...
i had noticed how some frequent posters responses had turned very physical as compared to some of their older posts i seem to remember. there is a diff between kicking them out and killing them. seemed genocide was encouraged at one point. but i took it as just a mis appropriation of words due to anger.


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Oh and word to the wise....... Don't eat Boars Head brand products!

The illegal wetbacks that work there would have goold laughs doing s**t to the meat like dropping it on the floor and kicking the meat then puttinhg it back up on the packing table. Have you ever seen the floors at a meat plant? :shock: This is no s**t either! I remember one time some f**king wetback a*****e took a s**t and wiped it all over the walls EVERYWHERE! To make matters worse, the bathrooms are located INSIDE the packing room itself. I remember my supervisor freaking out and trying to keep the situation away from the USDA people there. I'm telling you guys, alot of these illegals aren't even appreciative over what they have here in the US. They see it as f**king over the country and they do every chance they get!

f**k 'em! :x


ARE YOU SERIOUS!:shock::suprise:

I love that brand of meat;;;; not no more, thanks for slaying the name:lol:


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ok biz....have u ever been in an oversears american consulate? have you ever seen the paperwork required for a visa, the financial resources they expect you to have, the numerous referrals from people living here in the US. it doesnt matter what u think really...what matters is whats on paper. the US harldy will give a VISA to someone that they see as a minimum wage worker...and ironically those are the type of people most wanting to come here. i know how the process is because i was born in another country and though for me it was easy my family has fruitlessly tried to get visas in the past to no avail no matter what.

u swear ure so smart biz...huge corporate estabilshments know better than to directly hire the tomatoe pickers. a smart person would have reasonably deduced from my post that I was referring to these corporations hiring 3rd parties for these jobs. so no actually these pickers are not showing fraudulent documents. and a citizen would nto pick tomatoes for those wages. so if those farm plantation owners had to hire legal residents or citizens that demanded more wages....they would have to charge these corporations more...meaning these corps would then have to pass the expenses to their consumers. but then again i am just a stupid tard.

First! I have had 1 person in my family become an American citizen and was with him through the whole process. Yes, paper work and some money but not as expensive as you were making it out to be in your previous post. The family member I speak of was a citizen of Thailand and he became an American citizen to bring over a girl from Cambodia which he had her legalized as well and that still wasn't as expensive as you say.

2nd! these illegal "pickers" you speak of that supposedly can't be replaced, CAN be replaced! There's alot of uneducated American citizens that would take over these fruit picking jobs if they were given the chance. I'm sure they'd work under the table for little money as well. Now the only reason these "3rd parties" you speak of hiring illegals for little money isn't because no one else will do that kind of work. It's because they are f**king greedy assholes that want to cheat the system, hire illegals for cheaper pay so THEY can make more of a profit. Even if they hired ALL American citizens at minimum wage they would still profit greatly but since they are greedy the profit they make won't be enough for their greedy hands. That's why I was saying in one of my posts that we should go after the greedy employers that want to f**k America over harder than the illegal aliens.

and no, I don't swear I'm so smart. You obviously think I am tho! :lol: otherwise you wouldn't have said it. If you can open your eyes up a little wider you will see that I'm not the person making the most posts in this thread debating the topic. ;) I just went against one of your posts and you got butthurt or something. :oops: you can keep on speaking on what you read or seen on the net and I'll just keep speaking out of experience. :D


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thank you astheros for bringing some common sense instead of the "kill the illegals" attitude...

if no one noticed this thread became extremely racist towards mexicanos...
I don't want to kill any illegals :what: if I did what is there to stop me? I just want them to get the f**k out and stay the f**k out. You're just swinging on Astheros nuts because he's siding with you. :lol:

Read the thread over again, no one is racist against your stinky mexicanos! We just want them to stop coming over here illegaly and f**king over the system that is trying to help them. What's so hard about understanding that?

Mr. Jollypants

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I like Tacos.
I met Jesus before.
I love paying people 8 dollars an hour to do a job someone was going to charge me 19 an hour for.


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:what: If I were born in Mexico I would be over here too :what:
You f**king a*****e! :lol: I see you've been searching my threads. I once too was a noob. :oops: but get a f**king life or at least a girlfriend homie! ;)

another funny thread I have is where I wanted to know about a "turbo header" and all these assholes were like, "you have to have a turbo first noob!" f**king assholes! I was already boosted!
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You f**king a*****e! :lol: I see you've been searching my threads. I once too was a noob. :oops: but get a f**king life or at least a girlfriend homie! ;)

another funny thread I have is where I wanted to know about a "turbo header" and all these assholes were like, "you have to have a turbo first noob!" f**king assholes! I was already boosted!
LOL, yeah, have a GF, but she's at work.. A life? still working on it:lol: I figure if I can't have your avi, might as well have a sig. LOL


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thank you astheros for bringing some common sense instead of the "kill the illegals" attitude...

if no one noticed this thread became extremely racist towards mexicanos...
nowhere does it mention any specific handle names!

First! I have had 1 person in my family become an American citizen and was with him through the whole process. Yes, paper work and some money but not as expensive as you were making it out to be in your previous post. The family member I speak of was a citizen of Thailand and he became an American citizen to bring over a girl from Cambodia which he had her legalized as well and that still wasn't as expensive as you say.

2nd! these illegal "pickers" you speak of that supposedly can't be replaced, CAN be replaced! There's alot of uneducated American citizens that would take over these fruit picking jobs if they were given the chance. I'm sure they'd work under the table for little money as well. Now the only reason these "3rd parties" you speak of hiring illegals for little money isn't because no one else will do that kind of work. It's because they are f**king greedy assholes that want to cheat the system, hire illegals for cheaper pay so THEY can make more of a profit. Even if they hired ALL American citizens at minimum wage they would still profit greatly but since they are greedy the profit they make won't be enough for their greedy hands. That's why I was saying in one of my posts that we should go after the greedy employers that want to f**k America over harder than the illegal aliens.

and no, I don't swear I'm so smart. You obviously think I am tho! :lol: otherwise you wouldn't have said it. If you can open your eyes up a little wider you will see that I'm not the person making the most posts in this thread debating the topic. ;) I just went against one of your posts and you got butthurt or something. :oops: you can keep on speaking on what you read or seen on the net and I'll just keep speaking out of experience. :D
so youre family member was already in this country when their process started? if thats so then nothing is the same and everything is different my man.

so hiring all american citizens would result in profit...but not as much profits...less profits = more expenses...
in order to bring those profits back w. now higher expenses u need to raise prices....see where i am going here. but i guess i am just butthurt. :lol:

i was born in mom and dad got a visa through my grandma who was a citizen....the first time we got turned back cause of some bullshit....waited 2 yrs and came here again. have been living here for about 19 yrs now and since then family members have been trying to get visas to come into this country some have even tried and died trying to make into this country....but i guess i speak from what i saw and read on the net...but biz....hes one experienced mofo.

I don't want to kill any illegals :what: if I did what is there to stop me? I just want them to get the f**k out and stay the f**k out. You're just swinging on Astheros nuts because he's siding with you. :lol:

Read the thread over again, no one is racist against your stinky mexicanos! We just want them to stop coming over here illegaly and f**king over the system that is trying to help them. What's so hard about understanding that?
as from my above reply....i dont believe anyone mentioned BIZ or anyone else for that matter. then again anyone that doesnt agree with biz is just a butthurt kid that takes the internet way too serious. cmon old r many times do you have to get schooled. seriously. there are times when u just need to argument wasnt as clearly thought out as it had to be.


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what about the people in africa starving? want to bring ALL of those disease infested zombies here as well? lets bring them all here like locust till there is nothing left of america..
as we catch illegals.. chain them together along the border and just leave them they start to die and decompose it will really set a nice example...
and biz....just so you dont get butthurt. i think this is what Kaace was referring to. then again this is the first time ive seen Anthony use this kind of language so ill pass it as mis appropriation of words like i said before.


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nowhere does it mention any specific handle names!

so youre family member was already in this country when their process started? if thats so then nothing is the same and everything is different my man.
read my s**t over again, please. :retard:

so hiring all american citizens would result in profit...but not as much profits...less profits = more expenses...
in order to bring those profits back w. now higher expenses u need to raise prices....see where i am going here. but i guess i am just butthurt. :lol:
Yeah, I see where you're getting at and it's nowhere.

i was born in Honduras...
That's not my problem :( and as for the rest of the bullshit in that paragraph. :whiner:

as from my above reply....i dont believe anyone mentioned BIZ or anyone else for that matter. then again anyone that doesnt agree with biz is just a butthurt kid that takes the internet way too serious. cmon old r many times do you have to get schooled. seriously. there are times when u just need to argument wasnt as clearly thought out as it had to be.
I know he didn't mention BIZ but I gave my opinion. That's what this thread is for, right? :lol: and when someone actually schools me I'll be sure to let you know so you can satsify yourself in your own little way. ;) but maybe you should take your own advice in that last part of your well thought of paragraph.


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read my s**t over again, please. :retard:
First! I have had 1 person in my family become an American citizen and was with him through the whole process. Yes, paper work and some money but not as expensive as you were making it out to be in your previous post. The family member I speak of was a citizen of Thailand and he became an American citizen to bring over a girl from Cambodia which he had her legalized as well and that still wasn't as expensive as you say.
ok i went back and read it....still dont see where it specifies if he was in our out of the country when the process startes...hence my well justified question mark at the end of my previous statement.

Yeah, I see where you're getting at and it's nowhere.
anything w. substance?

That's not my problem :( and as for the rest of the bullshit in that paragraph. :whiner:
i dont recall anyone whining but rather providing information to show that some people...maybe just maybe...may have as much personal experience as you Biz.

I know he didn't mention BIZ but I gave my opinion. That's what this thread is for, right? :lol: and when someone actually schools me I'll be sure to let you know so you can satsify yourself in your own little way. ;) but maybe you should take your own advice in that last part of your well thought of paragraph.
well then clearly your opinion was wrong because he did have a point in his statement....go back and read :retard:

when u defended was no longer an was a direct response to a statement never made. how can u opinionate yourself on something noone ever said? :!:

satisfy myself?....its the internet my man...dont take it too seriously...

well...bedtime fellas. again...this was entertaining...cause purposeful...not at all.
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and biz....just so you dont get butthurt. i think this is what Kaace was referring to. then again this is the first time ive seen Anthony use this kind of language so ill pass it as mis appropriation of words like i said before.
Sorry son, the feeling of getting butthurt over what someone wrote on CC I will never feel but keep on posting because it's amusing me. :lol: You're doing a GREAT job and showing others what being butthurt is all about. Talking about your family's struggles showed it all. Think about it tho, if you weren't born privileged then whose family didn't struggle? I can see why you wanted to leave Honduras tho, props on that s**t! :D

Oh, btw........ You win, I lose! There, are you happy?

