First they make Civics, now this...


i love gooold!
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there you have it, the real reason they make cars..... to finance their robot dance team! lol those guys can get down!

Rick James

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thats f**king awsome


Registered Cockbite
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Originally posted by DelSho
there you have it, the real reason they make cars..... to finance their robot dance team! lol those guys can get down!


...""peep show""...
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those robots came out on the early show....if you watch that show on channel 4. You push them over and they get up on there own. There amazing. Too amazing......rise on the machines is inevatable...


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Those things are sweet...I want them....Amagine having them on your table and you have company over and everyones stoned and then all of a sudden they start what a trip.


world war wilson
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holy moses!!! i want that s**t! i heard some rumor that they are made for house keepers or some b/s. i guess they can cook you food. s**t, even if they can't... i'd die of starvation a happy man if i could see that dance in person!


CCSC # 8
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OMG!!! thats fukn tite,,,,,,,,,,two awesome creations the civic n then the robot dance team,lol,well neways those things r bad!!

Mr. Lin

Admiral Ackbar
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...ehh... I'm not a big fan of dancing robots...


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LOL.. that's trip to watch. They dance better than I can.


OG Club Civic DJ!!!
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THat s**t is for reals?? I thought it was all CG or something.. Thats hella badass if its real, where can i get one???


New Member
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those things are bad ass....i want one so i can program them f**kers to be my slave


OG Club Civic DJ!!!
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ill make that fool clean the inside of my car out!! and clean my room and s**t! hahaha, thatd be badass.


LoNe RaCeR #1
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Yo thats awsome vid of those robots dancin and now i want one but i'm thinkin they cost alot ...? :D
