Is my engine VTEC or non-VTEC? Very strange...


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I recently purchased a 2000 Civic Si (I am in Canada so I believe that is comparative to an EX in the U.S). That's where things get confusing.... My mechanic says it's not a VTEC....

I've looked at the engine tech sticky (and various other sites) and I still am not sure if my 2000 Si is VTEC or non-VTEC. On my engine I don't see any signs of VTEC. But the code on my engine says:
D16Y8.... (according to the sticky this means it's a EJ8 D16Y8 CANADA All 2-door EX)

Aside from the code on my engine block, what else can I look for to tell if I have a vtec?



Unobtanium Member
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Aside from the code on my engine block, what else can I look for to tell if I have a vtec?

You will have a VTEC solenoid on the back of the cylinder head near the distributor.


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Could be a Y8 block w/a Y7 head...? :what:


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thanks for your replies.... do you know of a pic I can reference to find this solenoid?


**Former** ED3, DA9 owner
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Take a pic of your engine and we can tell you if it has VTEC or not.


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thanks for the pics!!
So, it looks like mine isn't vtec (I can't see the solenoid). How difficult is it to add this solenoid back? And is it expensive?



**Former** ED3, DA9 owner
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You cant just add it. You have to get a Y8 head with the solenoid already on it and get a vtec ecu and wire it up.


**Former** ED3, DA9 owner
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I am not sure on costs as I have never done it before.


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haha... nevermind. I do have the vtec solenoid - lol I was looking right at it and i just didn't clue in.

thanks guys!


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haha... nevermind. I do have the vtec solenoid - lol I was looking right at it and i just didn't clue in.

thanks guys!
LoL. Comedy.


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you have vtec but its SOHC vtec, not DOHC vtec. dohc > sohc.
