My new Hatch!!! Tons of pics


Hatches rock
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Have the t25 spool a giant ass helicopter turbine lol


Frame Bangin
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10+ Year Member
i always wanted to run twin k03 or k04s just for shits and giggles


since 06
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5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
pointless yes but doesnt mean it wont work i hasve seen twin turbo geo prizm's and they are 3 cylynder.....just saying


Hatches rock
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Should cost less for new tune.
I'm going to ask him once I get a boost controller and remove my cat and see how much it'll be. Also in order to get the tune I gotta drive all the way down to Utah. Not saying it isn't worth it but it's no fun :P


Hatches rock
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Especially if your alternator goes out...
My battery ended up being improperly grounded. Ran a ground wire straight to the alternator and all was well. But the weird thing is that nothing happened all the other times I drove it before that :roll:

gay times that trip was


New Member
Hey I was wondering how much you paid for your oem lip? I got offered 460 shipped front and rear, but I don't know how much they are worth.


Hatches rock
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Hey I was wondering how much you paid for your oem lip? I got offered 460 shipped front and rear, but I don't know how much they are worth.
I've bought 3 sets. The first set was 900, second was 800, and third was 500. So I would say do it if both peices are in good condition.

On a more relavent note. I am going through some big personal issues and may not have updates for a while.


Hatches rock
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
I've got a good update coming later today. Gotta snap a few more pics and I'll post um up!
