project low and slow ek


New Member
Good start :thumbs up.

There's a saying that goes around: You gotta pay to play. There are people out there that replace oil pan after oil pan because they keep shattering them from being so low. You just have to drive smarter. I'm probably a hair lower than you are (at least my rear) and I avoid certain places because I can't go those ways anymore, especially when I have a passenger(s).
yeah i have yet to rub anywhere when im driving solo... its when i have the wife and kid with me is when i hear a lil ting from the exhaust...


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Man I have been gone for a week and you guys are still talking about this lowering thing. Let it go and get the thread back on topic please.


All Day, All JDM
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Topic is: project low and slow ek


New Member
Lol so my car after i raised it is lower than your car now and you can blame the dam roads..... i have taken my car to premont texas which is a ranch town! and ive taken my car to a ranch ..... just drop the b***h and laugh when it scrapes lol


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Lol so my car after i raised it is lower than your car now and you can blame the dam roads..... i have taken my car to premont texas which is a ranch town! and ive taken my car to a ranch ..... just drop the b**** and laugh when it scrapes lol

Good advice :roll:


New Member
i think that might be her admitting im the lowest? :shock:

have you seen PA roads at any time? just gotta learn how to drive it. i can take my car anywhere basically, but i know how to do it right
actually i have been to pa a few times with my car and where i was didn't seem half has bad
