stock market seriously in the shitter


Did sum1 say mud??
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Whos ready to go thru their first depression!?


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we're not quite there yet...

that's some scary s**t, though. i'll still have to pay for my medication... and things are already insanely expensive.

you know i just paid almost 7 bucks for a package of salame? and almost 6 for orange juice? over 5 for ranch salad dressing? i mean, come on.


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did you know there's a "california avocado society"? :lol:


Rubbin on yo booty
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At least gas prices dropped 20 cents!


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and now country wide is giving free houses... the people that couldnt afford the loans are being forgiven now that sucks


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and now country wide is giving free houses... the people that couldnt afford the loans are being forgiven now that sucks
I know, it is bullshit..... My dad (although has no knowledge of finance) has been paying too long for his house (30+ years)(alot of refinances, etc...)..... Where is his bailout...?!?!?:word:

I'm f**king pissed at this greedy bastards in the world.... I wish the worst for them:x

I'm sorry, but f**k; greed got us here.... and we are bailing the greedy sobs out


Bustin windows outcha car
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At least gas prices dropped 20 cents!
Whoo makes driving a civic even better.

Turning into a "craigslist economy", its not just a place to get rid old cars and junk anymore, people are selling everything from houses to new cars. Who knows how long this "recession" will last, the only thing I'm confused on is why the Feds believe increasing commercial paper lending is going to help US companies...seems like a anomaly that will spin the economy even deeper into fu*k


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you know... a lot of people don't pay attention or don't understand the wider picture of finances... so you can't totally blame them for buying a house when they thought they could... :what:


Bustin windows outcha car
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you know... a lot of people don't pay attention or don't understand the wider picture of finances... so you can't totally blame them for buying a house when they thought they could... :what:
true, and the emphasis on "affordable housing" started with Clinton administration (DEMOCRAT)...haha sorry i know this isn't a political discussion.


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I blame the sharks who take advantage of them; but then it all falls on Education.... Rich people are financial intelligent and poor to middle class are not....

People just like to buy s**t and stretch their spending potential so far that they pay month to month with credit cards for something they think they will be able to afford tomorrow or when they get that raise... When they get the next big raise to raise their debt even higher....

I must be the only person who actually finds this correction to be good.... Granted it will hurt some and is something most people don't want to happen in their lifetime, but I'd rather have huge companies capsize than to bail them out only to bandaid the problem and have them need help again 10-20 years from now....

Greed is mankind's greatest weakness; It will kill the human race


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yeah i dont think is fair for the people that work their ass off to make the payments.. that work overtime have 2 or 3 jobs..


Bustin windows outcha car
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I blame the sharks who take advantage of them; but then it all falls on Education.... Rich people are financial intelligent and poor to middle class are not....

People just like to buy s**t and stretch their spending potential so far that they pay month to month with credit cards for something they think they will be able to afford tomorrow or when they get that raise... When they get the next big raise to raise their debt even higher....

I must be the only person who actually finds this correction to be good.... Granted it will hurt some and is something most people don't want to happen in their lifetime, but I'd rather have huge companies capsize than to bail them out only to bandaid the problem and have them need help again 10-20 years from now....

Greed is mankind's greatest weakness; It will kill the human race
Great points, especially on the education part...too many people live check to check, "buy now pay later" ideology. As far as letting these companies capsize (I assume you were kidding)...bc if that were to happen the world as we know it would be over.


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yeah i dont think is fair for the people that work their ass off to make the payments.. that work overtime have 2 or 3 jobs..
It definitely is not fair; What pisses me more off is the rich people's attitudes about it; They act like people choose to do it. If they realized for a second that people aren't born with 100,000+ trust funds and were pretty much born to fail (no proper education, poorer communities, etc...) then they would be sorry...

What makes me especially sick is that lower-middle class people are the reason why rich assholes have so much money.

Give the 700 Billion equally to the American people and let the economy stimulate itself.... Oh wait, give 700 Billion to hardworking americans instead of rich crooks on wall street....

I think if lower-middle class can have more money in their wallets and some more financial education then the economy will stimulate itself.

We need poor and middle class people to thrive though. If everyone wanted to be rich and be business owners then there would be no workers... :lol:


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Great points, especially on the education part...too many people live check to check, "buy now pay later" ideology. As far as letting these companies capsize (I assume you were kidding)...bc if that were to happen the world as we know it would be over.
Well, I might be crazy with that statement, but a bailout shouldn't be an option....


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i agree with some of this... a lot of emphasis is put on credit and the importance of having credit, but not enough emphasis on teaching people really how to manage their credit. telling people not to spend beyond their means doesn't cut it, imo.

i think it would help a lot if people were educated more on how the economy works. i'd like to understand more, personally, though i'm pretty sure it'd make my brain leak out my ears. :lol:

bheims, you can't blame the democrats. if you are going to do that, you better blame the deregulating republicans, too. wall street was allowed to go nuts without a lot of oversight, and everyone's to blame. if there had been more regulation in the first place..........


Bustin windows outcha car
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Civic11 - I agree man I wish there were another option...
Akiahara96 - yeh I know I was just kidding :lol:

Hopefully after the election there will be some real progress towards stability in the market...but for now, theres no end in sight


OG スバリスト
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And don't even get me started on the price of Avocados....
argh yes!! this angers me so much. back home, i can get a f'n crate of hass avocados for the price of FOUR avocados here. this is ridiculous.... they were a buck each last year, now the'yre over 2 bucks a piece... since when did avocados start costing more than mangos?!?


Stickin it to the Man
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ill take mangos over avocados anyday... and im a fan of both fruits


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mangos > avocados...

but i think it's insane that a single item of any produce product is over two bucks unless it's... i dunno... insanely exotic or something. clearly nothing comes to mind. :lol:
