The Walking Dead


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I don't know if you know this but people usually read comic books. Comic book story lines can be very good.


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i don't know if you know this but tv has moving pictures there is no reading involved.


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But movies are all built around stories. From comic books to novels stories are the base of all movies or tv shows.


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id say 99% of all zombie movies,tv shows and comics have the same basic storyline.


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I think that is like saying every speech given by a white person is the same. Because well you have a white person speaking that doesn't mean the content of the speech is always the same. Just as in if zombies are in a movie it doesn't mean the storie lines are the same. I think you might have an issue with over generalizing things. There is sex and some funny parts in the walking dead does that make it a romatic comedy? There was deer hunted in one of the episodes as well as most of the series has taken place outside is the walking dead a nature series now? Your thought process isn't real logical bro.


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i haven't seen anything so far that wasn't already done in another zombie movie especially the first one that ripped of 28 days later. and i said basic storyline you can fill in the holes with whatever you want but its 99% percent the same.


100% real juice
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Well the basic premise is simple. Zombies are bad, they eat you, they have no conscious control over this so it's hard to make something totally different. At least with vampires or werewolves the have the consious ability to do whatever they want (usually) if you like zombie movies then it's all good, if u want a different zombie story line I recommend you go play the game Stubbs The Zombie, pretty old but cool


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I thought the first episode was very different then other zombie flicks out there. Besides the obvious 28 days later type introduction. I personally don't see this series being about zombies. It is about a man and his family trying to overcome a hard situation, the situation of a zombie apocalypse.


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i believe the only reason they are going the drama route is because the comic book was extremely graphic most things they won't be able to show on basic cable but will see what happens .


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The comic was filled with a bunch of drama. Besides the one penis that was attacked in the comic I don't see anything that amc wont be able to show.


Rubbin on yo booty
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Just started watching this last night... So far I've only seen episodes 1 & 2 from the first season. It's kind of slow so far, but I kind of like it... it's kept me interested thus far.

Anyone else barely starting to watch this?


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I jut started watching it since its on Netflix. I've only seen episode 1 and 2 but I really like it so far.


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this is the one when they leave that dudes brother handcuffed to the pole on the roof of that building? If so very good show.


Rubbin on yo booty
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I jut started watching it since its on Netflix. I've only seen episode 1 and 2 but I really like it so far.
Same here; this is my first zombie tv show I've ever seen and it has kept me interested so far.

this is the one when they leave that dudes brother handcuffed to the pole on the roof of that building? If so very good show.


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Ive seen the whole first season and me and the gf are caught up on the new season cant wait for next episoide
Wonder whos baby it is lol


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Also i agree that they have to put some type of drama and character devolpment into it if they want to keep the ratings up and keep the show on the air. At least a certain percent of people are gonna tune in next week simply ,because of the drama situation not seeing zombies attempt to eat them.
It is harder with zombies though as prevosly stated since they dont make any decisons on their own and have basically no iq its hard to come up with new stuff for them to do really, but i think for the amount of zombie shows/movies/miniseries there have been then that this one is doing pretty good.


pissin on authority
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I am a motha fukkin zombie fanatic! If its got zombies, this guys all about it. I discovered it on the netflix and have reveled in the mayhem ever since. The new seasons a bit slower than the first or actually the last episode to be precise and I sure hope they have more than 6 episodes this time but I'm sure they're building up do a balls out climax. The show brings a s**t ton of viewers so they can afford a lot of "wow" effects. Has anyone seen the talk show "Talking Dead," that airs after new episodes? This s**t is huge!
