Things that annoy you (If you use this to attack each other it gets closed (OC))

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I know it's should have, but when you say "should've", it comes out sounding "should of". Trying to sound out "should-ave" sounds funny.
true. it bothers me when people talk s**t about domestic cars or jap/euro, if your a true car lover you should appreciate everything. its the domestic car OWNERS that piss me off, not the cars themselves.


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Hicks annoy me....And that's nicely stated. I want to destroy them.


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I know it's should have, but when you say "should've", it comes out sounding "should of". Trying to sound out "should-ave" sounds funny.
This isn't Hooked on Phonics. s**t isn't always spelled the way it sounds. I know you are just explaining it to me, not justifying it. I'm not attacking you. But ignorance is not an excuse for stupidity.
true. it bothers me when people talk s**t about domestic cars or jap/euro, if your a true car lover you should appreciate everything. its the domestic car OWNERS that piss me off, not the cars themselves.
I agree. There are certain cars that I don't like, but I certainly don't hate on them. But you do know that every single car following has those that think they are superior.


Chillin' Canadian Member
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I agree. There are certain cars that I don't like, but I certainly don't hate on them. But you do know that every single car following has those that think they are superior.

There's this 40 year old guy at my work, who's only a first year apprentice,a high school dropout, still living in his mom's basement that thinks his automatic 2008 Mazda 3 would kill anything on the road. :roll:


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Not being able to fall asleep b/c I'm way stressed.


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when the goddamn piece of s**t untied states government (land of the free.. bah) shuts down tvshack.... again. dumb bitches.. like they have nothing better to do?


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When my fast food cup starts to condensate... And drenches me in water when I take a sip.


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when s**t you didnt buy shows up on your ebay. or when something you didnt buy shows up on you debit card authorizations. i didnt join the f**kin disney movie club!!, or bid on those f**kin shoes!!


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When my fast food cup starts to condensate... And drenches me in water when I take a sip.
when i have ice in the cup and no matter how much you shake it it does not budge and when you go to drink some water all the ice falls down onto your face.


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when s**t you didnt buy shows up on your ebay. or when something you didnt buy shows up on you debit card authorizations. i didnt join the f**kin disney movie club!!, or bid on those f**kin shoes!!
lol looks like someone swiped your info might want to change your passwords.

Mr. Jollypants

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when the goddamn piece of s**t untied states government (land of the free.. bah) shuts down tvshack.... again. dumb bitches.. like they have nothing better to do?
Theres a reason tvshack was shut down. It's called copyright. They aren't pieces of s**t for doing it because they are doing their job. They would be pieces of shits for NOT shutting it down if someone were to report it and tell them "Too bad." They did their job, they protected the copyright holders intellectual property.


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lol looks like someone swiped your info might want to change your passwords.
i already did, and went into the bank. i have to wait until it actually posts to my account and then we can dispute it, cancel my card and get a new one.


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when s**t you didnt buy shows up on your ebay. or when something you didnt buy shows up on you debit card authorizations. i didnt join the f**kin disney movie club!!, or bid on those f**kin shoes!!
sorry. i just f**kin LOVE disney channel.


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disney movies yes, the disney channel... NO. and from what ive read the acutal disney movie club wouldnt even cost me that much in a year. they are taking $30 out of my account and i never ordered the s**t. i have no conformation anything, and no movies.


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Rednecks and hillbies
The way rednecks and hillbillies talk (that slang is so ignorant)
People who stare
assholes that drive in the left lane on the highway and wont move the f**k over
when hicks in thier lifted trucks think they can street race against my cars "it's a f**king truck with 35inch tires a*****e,your not gonna win"
People who invade my personal space
And people who think your trying to race when all your doing is trying to pass

Thats a short list but thats all at the top of s**t that bugs me


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Rednecks and hillbies
The way rednecks and hillbillies talk (that slang is so ignorant)
when hicks in thier lifted trucks think they can street race against my cars "it's a f**king truck with 35inch tires a*****e,your not gonna win"
All of this. I wish I didn't live in the most hick state ever. Damn you Oregon!


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Theres a reason tvshack was shut down. It's called copyright. They aren't pieces of s**t for doing it because they are doing their job. They would be pieces of shits for NOT shutting it down if someone were to report it and tell them "Too bad." They did their job, they protected the copyright holders intellectual property.
uhmm yes it does mean they are. its not hurting anything so why dont you get off your high ass horse and quit arguing everything i say. The damn government has better things to worry about. I'm trying to watch tv, i dont see what thats hurting.


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If its a copyright issue, then yes it is hurting something.
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