Merry Christmas from ClubCivic and yOparts

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#1 ricer
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5+ Year Member
lol I knew someone without any posts would win.. thats so f**ked up.. I wouldnt even give it to him.. Anyway. Its cool you guys did this and all. But when yo parts logged in and didnt post s**t last night even tho he couldnt "get online" was weird.. But thanks for the giveaway.. I dunno how much it helped your business after this..


Sick 6/6
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well, i have to say this was the 1st giveaway that was not spot on... you can expect somthin like this to happen every once and a while.

but, i do think it sucks that someone who isnt on the site at all won a $1600 prize.... cuz you know they are just gonna sell it anyways.


iTrader EVERYthing
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thanks for the giveaway.. I dunno how much it helped your business after this..

I'm honestly not trying to be a d**k or anything (as im an obvious supporter of CC / any sponsors), but don't you think this would've been something to actually put the proper planning into? I think that because of many factors, mainly these two:

1. response time
2. the fact that no guidelines were set (a member with 0 posts won)

that not only does CC / CI look bad, but at the same time y0parts has gained a bad rep (whether or not its justified).

IMO, if you can't throw a raffle properly / dont have time to plan it well, then it shouldn't be thrown in the first place.

I understand there was good intentions, but if anything both CC / y0parts got a bad rap.

Jay Jay

Staff member

I'm honestly not trying to be a d**k or anything (as im an obvious supporter of CC / any sponsors), but don't you think this would've been something to actually put the proper planning into? I think that because of many factors, mainly these two:

1. response time
2. the fact that no guidelines were set (a member with 0 posts won)

that not only does CC / CI look bad, but at the same time y0parts has gained a bad rep (whether or not its justified).

IMO, if you can't throw a raffle properly / dont have time to plan it well, then it shouldn't be thrown in the first place.

I understand there was good intentions, but if anything both CC / y0parts got a bad rap.
The response time was my fault I already stated that. There were no guidelines because I didn't choose to have any. I don't see how this makes anyone look bad. A prize was offered up for grabs for anyone to win and someone did. I'm sorry I offered anything for Christmas as I don't believe I'll be doing it again. No matter what people are going to be pissed off.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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The response time was my fault I already stated that. There were no guidelines because I didn't choose to have any. I don't see how this makes anyone look bad. A prize was offered up for grabs for anyone to win and someone did. I'm sorry I offered anything for Christmas as I don't believe I'll be doing it again. No matter what people are going to be pissed off.
No, it looks bad on Tom too because he didn't say anything at all either.

A prize was offered up, but it should have been thought about.. 1600 dollar value, should have been awarded to members who at least contribute to the site (I wouldn't have been included because I post in Off-Topic mostly.)


getting back in the game
5+ Year Member
i still dont understand how he won if he hasnt logged in for 10 months how did he sign up for the yoparts give away and have them know that he was on clubcivic because i thought the web link had something to do with letting them know that we where from club civic and we had to be logged in
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5+ Year Member
here is a screenshot of what the page looks like after you click on the link they provided.

I don't see anything asking for a username :what:

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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here is a screenshot of what the page looks like after you click on the link they provided.

I don't see anything asking for a username :what:
And you're suprised, why?

I've noticed a strong string of things happeneing, but I don't wanna say it until I know it's a sure thing..


4 Doors For More Whores
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i kept totally quiet about the wait time....but the winner thing is in fact bullshit. instead of not doing this ever again, you should make guidelines.

im not pissed about not winning, as i lost nothing. thats all i have to say.


getting back in the game
5+ Year Member
i just wish the turbo would have gone to someone that would haved used it on something good and someone thats been on here awhile not saying i have been but theres more deserving people out there that actual help this forum out instead of someone that hasnt logged in for 10 months


#1 in the Atlantic!
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Here are more Annual Membership Winners


slowcivic E G
I never win anything, so I'll take what's offered. Thanks for the Annual Membership. Do I have to do anything? As for all the other posts upset about the turbo winner, I don' t think that it should discourage JJ on future raffles. We've had a lot of other raffles that we actually paid into and those worked out fine. Live and learn. Maybe there can be a smaller prized summer raffle when everyone is getting ready for the warm weather. I'm sure if that goes well, then all credibility will be restored.


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i seriously dont get how everyone is so pissed.

i mean yea i wish i won but it'd be different if i actually paid money for something like this.

thank you JJ and Tom for the opportunity to win something big.


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buddy, there was no turbo given to anyone, it was all a scam, a poorly organized scam at best.
I am really sorry you feel that way..but that is simply not the case.. we did giveaways on four other boards K20a / Wrxmodders / Eghatchback/ turbooptions in 2 of those cases the same issue became apparent (no posts winners) the winners were chosen randomly.. there were no pre-set restrictions in place so we could not legally and ethically choose other names.. It would have been easier for us to do so but what kind of company would that have made us?

When we do future promotions we will have obviously have gained a wealth of experience from this time around. We choose to partner w/ these sites due to the type of community's because it was our goal to try to give back this is what our industry should be about... but somehow selfishness always rears it's ugly head :(

"V" btw we will be rooting for the same team tomorrow night...

I thought community was about building it up?? Is that what you guys are doing right now?



3 pedals ftw
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i hope you guys don't lose too much sleep over this whole thing.

like j and yO said, the whole thing was thrown together at the last minute and it just so happened s**t didn't go too smoothly etc etc..
but anyways, thanks j and yO for the opportunity.


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You can sit there and try to make yourself look good, deny the blatantly obvious, and try to spin the situation in your favor, but at the end of the day, the truth is still quite obvious to all of those not blinded by personal interests.

The concept was great, and all the fancy banners made it look legit, but it is what it is, a fraud, where there are no real winners, because even if you got the bump in memberships that you seeked, you did it at the expense of your credibility.
What r u talking about bro.. We gave away almost $5k in products (K24 Engine / GT35R / t3/60-1 / Progress Coilovers / FP Green 20G .. and the memberships are free?? no one makes any $$$ on that unless YOU decide to renew..

Proof ..

Keep on Hatin.. :(


iTrader EVERYthing
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enough of the personal attacks. Its unneccessary bullshit that adds to the already now dramatic thread.


#1 ricer
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HtSht691 is the s/n to the kid that apparently "won" tho he doesnt know it.. I said I was from honda-tech and made some sneaky conversation.. he knew nothing of the fact.. i dunno.. maybe he di win maybe he didnt.. doesnt take away the fact that it was said that yo parts and jayjay didnt have computer access.. (there s**t was down) after that was said yoparts logged in.. so that apparently wasnt true. Maybe it was put together last minute.. But we should have been notified about it taking it doesnt take away from the fact that a kid that gives nothing and never will give anything to the site won.. I personally talked to the guy from yo parts. he seems like a cool guy.. But i dunno wtf was going on

Ominous G2
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Its funny to look at the WRXmodders link, and see how appreciative everybody was of the give away. also had a 0 post member win, they didnt seem to care that much.

I'm not sure why its a huge deal, Im not really bothered that I didnt win.

I also don't see the big deal in it being late either, everybody is busy around Christmas.
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