calling all mac users!


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^^Good, I hope so. That was my only issue with macs. The power cords were HORRIBLE. Hopefully this new one will work fine then.


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what was the issue with the old one?


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It broke, frequently. I've had to replace mine twice. My girlfriend had to replace hers once (hers is about 2 years old). I looked online and found out it was a relatively common problem. It would get to the point where you could play with the cord a bit to get it to work... then eventually it would just crap out on you and you would have to hope you had 80 bucks to drop on a new one. This was a MAJOR mac problem. It's the only real problem I've ever had with my mac.


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I'm noticing a problem where the computer refuses to come back from sleep, I don't know if I'm trying to wake it up wrong or what but when I hit buttons some times I'll get a ding or some kinda sound. Is my screen messing up or is this normal and I'm doing something wrong?


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actually, just realized I have sleep disabled when plugged in, so it refuses to come back on when the top is down and I pull it up. Its not a very common issue for me and a restart usually fixes it.


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I've never had that issue.


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maybe it has something to do with what I downloaded? I dunno


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Do you press a few buttons on the keyboard and/or slide the mouse around to get it to wake back up?


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That's what i do. I open the lid and hit the apace bar twice and bing it comes out of sleep mode.


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Do you press a few buttons on the keyboard and/or slide the mouse around to get it to wake back up?
i move around on the track pad, but if that doesn't work i hit keys.

I was looking more into it, I found a pretty reliable source that said it could be caused by a bad file or a damaged file. I ran onyx and so far so good. Other people on forums I found said it seems to happen when the computer itself is cold. Who knows, hasn't happened again yet.

Something else I would love some help with.... how do I get ichat not to sign out every time I close the lid?


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i move around on the track pad, but if that doesn't work i hit keys.

I was looking more into it, I found a pretty reliable source that said it could be caused by a bad file or a damaged file. I ran onyx and so far so good. Other people on forums I found said it seems to happen when the computer itself is cold. Who knows, hasn't happened again yet.

Something else I would love some help with.... how do I get ichat not to sign out every time I close the lid?
I'd say that has to do with your power settings, in power settings. You most likely have it set for when the lid is closed, the computer goes to sleep. You'd have to change it to like shut display instead of sleep on lid close.


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i can't find the option anywhere'

Edit: I don't have power settings, all I have is energy saver


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ok I think I'm just an idiot... It did it again and nothing was working... the track pad, buttons, then I remembered what some one said above, about hitting the space bar twice... yea... came right back up.

Edit: to be honest, I have no idea, because other buttons worked last time too.


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I saw on a forum something that apparently some one who works for apple posted. If the 2010 mac book pros get physically cold some times the screen won't come up but a hard reboot will fix it.


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whats a good application to burn music cds? I am not using itunes...


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Why don't you want to use itunes? Make a playlist click burn and bam a cd. If you like roxio programs try toast. I use itunes but I use toast for burning converted avi images.


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Question, is there a way to make the dock easier to work when I have multiple windows open for the same application? Kind of like a windows aero effect, like how it shows previews and you can click on the ones you want? I'm pretty sure I saw that some place before, perhaps an add-on?
