car shackes at 100 mph

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B20: Detroit Muscle!
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hat to admit it, but living in NJ, i go about 80-85, sometimes 90. ask anyone who uses the garden state parkway they will tell you thats just the way the traffic flows.


New Member
:shock: This thread went exactly the way I thought it would lol. Just slow down Ricky Bobby. Unless you are getting chased by ninjas in super fast motorcycles, you have no reason to be hitting those speeds on the highway. :roll:


New Member
:shock: This thread went exactly the way I thought it would lol. Just slow down Ricky Bobby. Unless you are getting chased by ninjas in super fast motorcycles, you have no reason to be hitting those speeds on the highway. :roll:
You'd be surprised how much that happens......:shock:


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is one of your rims warpped???? check all the bolts in the engine make sure they are all snug and not loose.

The car shouldnt shake, especially an 04. mine is a 97 and it dont shake. Also, do you have rims??? rims with a poor suspension may cause shaking. Also how are the road conditions in Montreal? It could be an external reason for the shaking.
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