Confused about replacement bulbs for projector headlights... HELP


b00st s00n!
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5+ Year Member
NOFX said:
Just bring in your old bulbs and match them up. Usually they'll have the bulb number on them.
"i figured it out. both bulbs are H1."
ur a lil slow there big guy... :lol: :D :idea:


I'm NOT eran!
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Me, slow? I know it was already said in this thread but apparently some people need to have things reposted and reposted and reposted and reposted and reposted.....


ScAre CrOw
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well you can use another H1 instead of a H3 it will be a little brighter.. BTW an H3 bulb will be stubby with a Wire connected to the bulb. and the H1 will have just a mteal housing..

Hope that helps i didnt read the thread so someone else might of told u the same by now
