Crysis machine


Rubbin on yo booty
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Stickin' it to the man
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hey man i was raised on win 3.11. and everyone was against win95 in those days. i still have a laptop that runs win3.1

i never heard much about win 98.. then win 2000 came along. realy still didnt hear much about that. then we got a comp with win melenium. sp? that lasted 4+years. and i switched to xp.

i have nothing against vista. im willing to give it a shot. but if i dont like it.. im going back to xp. s**t i even gave windows server 2003 a shot. it was so plain! lol

Old Man

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hey man i was raised on win 3.11. and everyone was against win95 in those days. i still have a laptop that runs win3.1

i never heard much about win 98.. then win 2000 came along. realy still didnt hear much about that. then we got a comp with win melenium. sp? that lasted 4+years. and i switched to xp.

i have nothing against vista. im willing to give it a shot. but if i dont like it.. im going back to xp. s**t i even gave windows server 2003 a shot. it was so plain! lol
Win 2K was to replace NT4.0
Not really tailored to the consumer

ME, Media..all facelifts.


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name 1 MAJOR revamp OS microsoft's released in the last 15 years that didn't become consumer standard.
don't worry. i'll wait.

Corp setting is completely different category in all regards. I won't even attempt to try and talk through coporate policy in converting to new OS's across major enterprise.

BTW i was 3.11 for life back in 94.
Ooo, feisty.
I apologize for misinterpreting your use of the term "operating standard" to mean across the board. Now that you've specified, of course it will be consumer standard until the next OS, as it is forced upon all PC consumers that purchase pre-built. That being, of course, the vast majority.
And I don't believe I intimated that I needed you to talk me through corporate jargon, but thanks all the same.

I think 3.1 was the very first OS I used, in fact. :shock:

Old Man

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Ooo, feisty.
I apologize for misinterpreting your use of the term "operating standard" to mean across the board. Now that you've specified, of course it will be consumer standard until the next OS, as it is forced upon all PC consumers that purchase pre-built. That being, of course, the vast majority.
And I don't believe I intimated that I needed you to talk me through corporate jargon, but thanks all the same.

I think 3.1 was the very first OS I used, in fact. :shock:

lol no harm no foul.
Believe me.. i was on the fence on swtiching, but i figured I will have this PC for at least 4 years, I see vista having bugs worked out given the timeframe.

I was actually saying I would not be able to speak or assume any logic on corporate policies on how/when they update their operating software..
Where I work, they converted the desktop machines from 2K to XP about 3 months ago. why they waited so long... beats me


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lol no harm no foul.
Believe me.. i was on the fence on swtiching, but i figured I will have this PC for at least 4 years, I see vista having bugs worked out given the timeframe.

I was actually saying I would not be able to speak or assume any logic on corporate policies on how/when they update their operating software..
Where I work, they converted the desktop machines from 2K to XP about 3 months ago. why they waited so long... beats me
S'all good. In all reality, if they ever really just settle in and fix all the problems that has plagued Vista since release, I'd probably consider getting it. As it is, it's just too resource heavy and clunky for not a lot of gain. And it's just been out for so long with no real fix, that I've lost really any faith that'll happen soon enough between OS releases. Like I said though, we'll see what happens with it.


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Ouch on that 3DMark. New comp specs look real nice though. I've got basically the same thing except dual core and an 8800 gtx. I can't run Crysis at full settings :shock:

Old Man

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Vista was a PITA to get to install. but it's up and running. Will run 3dmark once updates are complete


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Not bad at all. I haven't run the new version on my current setup for some reason.
