How to get a fast HONDA Pics included

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RiPPiN_iT said:
ahaha your 22 years old and you come on forums to make fun of people and what they like, you have some life dude let me tell you, let me know how it feels when you take your bought HP car and get it whipped by a built honda, and its not our fault you have to buy a $50,000 car to make up for your d**k
not quite.. when i started it was 205whp.. wow


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RiPPiN_iT said:
how do you figure a stock z06 is 205whp?
B/c its a Chevy....its all might when its being towed behind a truck. :lol:

anyone with a quick 00 Si offended by the original post here? internet propaganda like this makes me sick. especially when it's being spread by another civic owner


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hey guys,

first off im not here to troll..i like honda's as much as any other car...any true car enthusest would be able to open their eyes and see most cars have their pro's and cons

im also a member at cobaltss and the majority of us over their do not support this kind of trash talking on other froums, as we dont like it when other owners come and talk down upon ours . so dont think that all cobalt owners are like chevydealer or the O.P.
halfj06 said:
hey guys,

first off im not here to troll..i like honda's as much as any other car...any true car enthusest would be able to open their eyes and see most cars have their pro's and cons

im also a member at cobaltss and the majority of us over their do not support this kind of trash talking on other froums, as we dont like it when other owners come and talk down upon ours . so dont think that all cobalt owners are like chevydealer or the O.P.


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halfj06 said:
hey guys,

first off im not here to troll..i like honda's as much as any other car...any true car enthusest would be able to open their eyes and see most cars have their pro's and cons

im also a member at cobaltss and the majority of us over their do not support this kind of trash talking on other froums, as we dont like it when other owners come and talk down upon ours . so dont think that all cobalt owners are like chevydealer or the O.P.

understood - theres always one a*****e in every crowd

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boostedVTEC101, A.K.A. chevysalesman61, don't come back here, it will just result in a termination of your attempts at new names on here, which will also result in contacting your IP which result in a IP Ban by your service provider!

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