It "fits"...


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:thumbs up :thumbs up


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Neat, but looks something like the "Type R Style" lip, honestly.


Bustin windows outcha car
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Looks great I def lilke the "arc winglets". Looks similar to the si lip but the paint looks so much better :thumbs up


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Looks nice, but I'd like to see it without the ARC winglets.


R.I.P Stephen Jackson
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can't see the pics but looks great


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looks great/unique and good DIY job if you had money, but i would still prefer the OEM si lip...:thumbs up


iTrader EVERYthing
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good job
you have before pics?
thanks. Yeah, I'll edit this post with before pics.

Nice guide. was your car still on jackstands?
I never raised it up sir.

looks good. so did you buy the lip without knowing whether it will fit or not
Yes, I took the chance. However before I did anything to the lip I made sure it would fit. If it wouldn't have worked, I would've just sent it back to Honda.

im not saying it looks bad or anything, i think its cool the fit lips fits on the the civic bumper, but the only thing i see is the fit lip is way more shiney than your bumper, might needa buff your bumper or somthing so it will blend in a lil more
My bumper / car was filthy. But I mean also, that's 10 year old paint compared to 10 day old paint. ;)

Looks great Ev. How long did it take you to do this?
Probably about with 3 hours with a couple breaks in between. I took it slow cause I didn't want to mess anything up.

i take full credit for this install.
Ha! Thanks for the help though. :thumbup:

how many fourms you posted this ? lol
Just here and honda-tech.

so i've seen these on 99-00 would somebody know if it would fit on a 96-98
It will NOT fit on the 96-98 as the 96-98 is longer than the 99-00.

looks great man. any pics without the winglets?
Unfortunately I don't. I wanted to put the winglets on right then so that I didn't have to take the bumper off twice ya know?


It be me, Sammo
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w000t Evan!!! I like it. I can see the difference. The ends of the fits lip curse up a bit and with the winglets. :thumbup: props

now you have a mission to buff your front bumper to match the new lip =) at least now your able to switch between lips when u feel the mod to change it back.


Fully built spoon motors!
5+ Year Member
Sick, I know where a wrecked Fit Sport is, maybe the lip is salvageable for cheap! Sweetttt!


iTrader EVERYthing
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w000t Evan!!! I like it. I can see the difference. The ends of the fits lip curse up a bit and with the winglets. :thumbup: props

now you have a mission to buff your front bumper to match the new lip =) at least now your able to switch between lips when u feel the mod to change it back.
Haha true enough. I'm glad at least someone can see the difference. I feel it makes the car look a lot more aggressive. As I walk up to my car, I go... "oh... yeah... that's nice."

Sick, I know where a wrecked Fit Sport is, maybe the lip is salvageable for cheap! Sweetttt!

aw man. that looks sexy. anymore pictures? im dying to see them.
I MIGHT be able to get some today before I go into work. It finally stopped raining around here.


fuck_n civic

5+ Year Member
^^^good fkn job bro..i alway wondered if the "fit" lip would fit on a 99-00 ek's.. so more pix! (the whole car too!):D
