My second civic.


Frame Bangin
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Dude, chill out. Its the internet, and a forum. Im just telling you my opinion, no need to throw a fit over it. If you dont want to hear other peoples opinion GOOD AND BAD, you probably shouldnt post your car. And i know for a fact, im not the only one that thinks these things, many people do.

and your right, i didnt mention the grill or lip. i realize it needs to get painted and that doesnt happen in a day

Genuine Rolla

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You don't have a type R anything, right NOW. That's like me putting on a bunch of stickers of parts that I'm "GOING TO" get. Your car shouldn't display your shopping list of parts that you have yet to pick up yet. Plus, everyone will know it's not a type R.

Don't get butthurt when someone on the internet doesn't like your car.

You definitely need new paint all around, a new hood or fix the rust, lower it, wheels, etc.
