New years Reslolutions


It's on ass-backwards.
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No dood. Make friends with drunken skanks. Whores cost money.


New Member
5+ Year Member
or drunken sluts. sorry i forgot the difference between the two.

golden rule-
whores cost money, sluts are for everybody.


It's on ass-backwards.
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10+ Year Member
You know the difference between a slut and a b***h?

The slut will sleep with everyone.

The b***h will sleep with everyone but you.


New Member
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5+ Year Member
figure out what im doing when i graduate in June

lose some weight so i can fight with Ryan and Dan...or so i can look into being a cop

get a job down at school for the semester

pick up some kind of girlfriend

quit the smoking habit i picked up in september when i broke up with the ex


New Member
5+ Year Member
yea that b***h happened to be my last ex.

hmm you wanna quit smokin. im on that boat as we speak.
heres the best way ive found. buy a pack open it leave it for a week come back pick it up and smoke that whole pack without buyin a new one. if anythings ever made me wanna quit its shitty stale cigs.
or smoke weed.
