One hellacious weekend....


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Alright well even though the car got broken into and all (never posted that up), it doesnt matter now.

Saturday I bought a new shotgun, Mossberg 500. Was going about 30 mins a way to my buddies land to shoot it and s**t. On this back country road something messed up severely whether it being my tire blew or steering, regardless, car jerked hard to the left and then found a nice, wide, deep rut on the other side of the road where the wheel caught causing us to flip the crx 1.5 times doing about 60 mph. Not sure how we walked away from it. The buddy i was folling said we easily were 6 ft in the air. Just got a major seatbelt burn, bruised my foot really bad dont think it's broke though and a really bad bruised knee (hurts the most). Plus somehow I bruised my left eyelid...My girls shoulder hurts but nothing else.

Then later that night my ex-roomate heard I stole a jacket from him as I was moving out from his house and so he decides to come over to my apartment and kick the door in breaking the frame. I was asleep on the couch and the next thing I wake up to is him standing there asking for a jacket I have no clue about. He had been drinking with xanax as well so I guess it seemed like a good idea at the time. Cops came got all the reports made.

Just been one f**ked up weekend...


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Thats messed up.

Saturday I bought a new shotgun, Mossberg 500.

kick the door in breaking the frame. I was asleep on the couch and the next thing I wake up to is him standing there asking for a jacket I have no clue about...
That kind of bothers me, you should be more prepared, friend or not.


Most hated man
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take revenge on the world, we can take everything for ourselves, join me! lol


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Damn man. sorry to hear. how you feeling? i would get better security where you live as well.


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that sucks, maybe this week will be a little better...


Sick 6/6
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damn bro... that sux! glad everyone is okay tho.

but on the real... get new friends!


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damn bro... that sux! glad everyone is okay tho.

but on the real... get new friends!
well we werent friends...hence me moving out of his house and all. this was the first time we talked since i moved out.

Moving elsewhere wouldn't help, this could just have easily happened in the middle of nowhere at a house on a hill.

And as far as the gun, it was still in the box from being bought. Day went like this...bought gun, went and changed and got some s**t together, left apt, got in wreck, finally got the car back home (dark by this time), went back to my apt and fell asleep...then that. Criticize all you want but hell after the day i had the last thing i thought about was an ex-roomate who i havent talked to since I moved out coming over claiming I stole a jacket when i moved out.

Thanks for those who were concerned. I'll post pics of the rex when I can bring myself around to seeing the carnage again.

Genuine Rolla

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time to get some new friends man.....things will get better...!


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bad week for the niner they just got shut out 2-7 now ouch! sorry about your week dude, s**t always seems to come all at once, misery loves company man, when it rains it pours, s**t will blow over and then you just wait for the next storm to come : /


It be me, Sammo
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Damn man, at least your good after the flip and man! if my " friend " came and did that s**t to my new make him eat rocks and clean my toilet with his tongue cause man thats so disrespectful and i dont take kindly to being disrepect.


Rubbin on yo booty
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what happened after he came in? you guys just talked it out? i woulda pulled out the mouse.


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what happened after he came in? you guys just talked it out? i woulda pulled out the mouse.
Not sure where everyone is getting this friend bit...I mean he was a roomate but.. that was it.

And he promptly left after coming in because as soon as it happened current roomate called cops and once he saw him dialing he ran to his car and left. I think it was one of those situations where he was too f**ked up to realize what was actually taking place just acting on instinct and then when 'cops' came into the picture he realized he f**ked up. hell he left our apt and ran to his bro's house where he hid out

It's just a matter of time, sure he could kiss my feet, clean my toilet with his tongue, etc. but he has a felony charge coming his way now. Not sure what the accomplice will get either. Am for sure pressing charges on both parties. Somehow this way seems to hit the hardest, could be wrong, but just IMO.
