Pics of my ride (finally)


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civicownsDSM said:
cant wait to see what the the new exhaust will sound like next week man
Yea, i havent been on here in a while, but i did order the rest of the parts for my exhaust a few days ago, so ill have new headers, a new downpipe, and a Greddy Evo 2, well a replica so hopefully it will sound the same or better.

ImportFan1 said:
looking good. sux about ur car gettin towed.
Thanks for the feedback, and yea, towing sucks :roll:

turbo95eg6 said:
Good luck saving up the 8-$10K :thumbup:
lol, yea its gonna take a while but hopefully my college can find me a good job quick. Thats the one good thing about being in a computer-related field.


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what field are you in? Im in Information Systems.


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Networking Systems Administration and if everything goes ok, i should be graduating in March with my Associates, and hopefully a nice job will follow with that degree


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Finally got the exhaust on, took forever because i converted it from an lx exhaust system to an ex but other then a few set backs it went pretty good. Now i need to put something in between my downpipe and my tranny because they are touching and it rattles when my car is on. Im pretty satisfied with the gained hp and how it sounds. It doesnt sound too much like a Greddy Evo 2 but it still sounds pretty good, but ill post some pics whenever my buddy sends them to me.


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Ok i finally got the pics from my friend so here they are. . .

All the new parts

The new headers

A comparison to the the old exhaust, minus the old muffler and headers

Up on the jack stands

Headers installed

My buddy securing the downpipe

Almost done

The finished result


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lol, yea it was pretty close, any further and i would have. I have already scraped it towards the middle of my car on speed bumps and other stuff


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Ok guys, I have some bad news about my car. Yesterday (January 22, 2007) some dumb ass b***h rear-ended me. The back doesn't look as bad as I thought it would for how hard she hit but there is still a lot of damage. Here is what happened... I had just passed through an intersection when I noticed the cars in front of me stopping so I stopped behind them as I noticed the sirens a few seconds later. There were 2 lanes on each side of the road and there were cars to the right of me so I had to stop in the left hand lane. The next thing I know some stupid b***h in a Grand Am plows into the back of me going at least 30-35 mph because she wasn't paying attention and was on the phone and pushes my car into the SUV in front of me. Luckily I barely hit them and they ended up with a tiny little scratch. She later told the cops she was going around 25 yet there were no skid marks or anything and the speed limit was 35 and she hit me pretty damn hard so I doubt she was. She was the only person cited for the wreck and I am still waiting on the insurance people to come look at my car and see how bad it is. But anyways, enough of me rambling on, here are some pics of the aftermath...



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damn. that sux. man. could have been a lot worse. let us know what happens.


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Well the insurance adjuster called today so he should be coming to look at my car early next week. I'll keep you guys updated on the news as I hear it.


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Well the insurance adjuster called me a few days ago and told me to go get an estimate, so I went to Honda and the looked at my car and this is what needs fixed/ repaired or replaced...

Replaced - Rear Bumper, Hood, Emblems

Repaired - Trunk Lid, Rear Body Panel, RT Quarter Panel, LT Quarter Panel, Front Bumper, RT Fender, LT Fender, Align Exhaust

They said they are going to repaint my whole car except the doors and roof, and the total of all of it is $3584.43. So when the insurance adjuster saw how much it was he, of course, said he would have to come and look at it in person because that is pretty high. The guy from Honda also said the fenders might not be fixed because supposedly they aren't supposed to buckle or wrinkle like that in this type of wreck, but I already had small dents there and it made them bigger. But I am just hoping the insurance adjuster doesn't know that they are supposed to buckle, or no new fenders, but I will keep you guys updated as soon as he comes and looks at it.

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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not bad man....i like those do you like the sound of the car?


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Yea, I am thinking about getting some new rims, but I don't have any money to, at least not right now, so I am satisfied with these and will just keep them til I find something else and have the money for it. As for the sound, I like it, its not what I expected and it has been too cold to drive around with the windows down and really hear it but it still sounds pretty good.


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Well I haven't been on much lately and I have some updates. I finally got my car back from the body shop and it looks a lot better than it did, but I'm not really satisfied with their work, but oh well, it was free so I can't complain too much. And another thing is that they got it back to me when they said they would which kinda shocked me as well, which also might be the reason why I'm not 100% satisfied with their work. The body shop guy did convince the insurance company to fix and paint my doors so all the paint would blend well, so thats a plus. The only thing they didn't paint or touch was the roof. But now for the complaining, lol. The guy said they tried to get a big dent out of my door but it looks worse then it did before now. They also didn't do a very good job filling in some of the chips on my front bumper, there are some buff marks, and some areas where it looks like they didn't do anything, and my hood isnt lined up where it should be, but other than that it looks great, lol. I'll try and get some pics up as soon as I can.


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Well my buddy finally sent me the pics of my car he took a few weeks after I got it back from getting fixed, so here they are...



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sucks about the accident, but if i were in that situation i would've paid the body shop extra to:

paint the mirrors/door handles,
trim pieces on trunk and hood
and the grill.
also remove the door moldings.
also remove the CIVIC and LX emblems from the back and shave the "H".

it would've made the car look way better to have everything match. also would've bought front/sides/rear lips and had them paint it all at the same time, you'd save A LOT of money.

too late now :(.


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fventura03 said:
sucks about the accident, but if i were in that situation i would've paid the body shop extra to:

paint the mirrors/door handles,
trim pieces on trunk and hood
and the grill.
also remove the door moldings.
also remove the CIVIC and LX emblems from the back and shave the "H".

it would've made the car look way better to have everything match. also would've bought front/sides/rear lips and had them paint it all at the same time, you'd save A LOT of money.

too late now :(.
No point in doing that when you don't have the money for it anyways, plus I like the mirrors and handles black instead of silver and the moldings don't really bother me. I can always take off the emblems, and I don't really like many of the lips for my car anyways if I did have the money.


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Damn your car has gone a long ways...

:thumbs up for you mang ;)
