Project EH2


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5+ Year Member
Thanks for comments everyone.
The BYS duckbill is like a Love or Hate thing. you either love it or puke everytime you see it, Buts it allgood.
Im gonna lower some more today and see if i like it but i will for sure post some pic later today or tomorrow.



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5+ Year Member
Update-broken axle

Well i was on the way to Tunerfest last night i broke an axle......

Here are some the pics i took the today while we worked on removing the mangled axle.....

The grease was all over my wheels tooo...

All clean

ill post some updated pics of the new axle tomorrow.


New Member
5+ Year Member
^^^ I LOVE THEM. I used to have neo gens and i think these are way better in price, tread wear, traction, its just an all round better tire for the money.
