Spidey and others @ abandon car factory!


RIP - MH - 11/06/06
I am a registered Nurse lol, your like 17 yrs old. I went and learned hundreds of viruses, diseases etc. HIV can live outside the body for a few days under right conditions. Don't try and out wit me
My age has nothing to do with it.

Not many viruses, especially STD's can live outside the body, including HIV, unless under the right conditions, as I said already and you tryed to slam back in my face making it sound like I was saying you were wrong.


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you didnt even read what i put. And yes age does have to do with it because I have been trained , and went through a hell of a lot more bio classes then u ever took.


RIP - MH - 11/06/06
you didnt even read what i put. And yes age does have to do with it because I have been trained , and went through a hell of a lot more bio classes then u ever took.
I went back and read it after you edited the 2nd time. I never said you were wrong, nor tryed to.

I was just learned that unless entered into your bloodstream a short period after leaving it's host, a disease, especially a STD, like HIV, cannot survive.

I don't know how long it last and I'm sure many variables change that, but me poking an HIV positive subject with a needle then setting it on the counter for a week then shooting up with that needle could prove many different outcomes.

*Edit* But I don't think it's fair to automatically fire out your 17 and I've taken so many more classes than you so your wrong.

I didn't jump up and be like well I'm the Grandson of a M.D. so blah take that, I just defended what I was learned.

Wasn't saying your absolutely wrong, was just putting in my $.02


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well of course. I dunno, i miss understood what was really being said then ha

Sweet my uncle is a orthopedic surgeon Dr. eager. Reason why i am going to be a practitioner


RIP - MH - 11/06/06
That's tight, hope that works out for you.

My grandfather of course wanted me to do law and my father which is a lawyer wants me to do med, they both say their field is too much stress.

Think I'm going to shoot for law since history and government was always a favorite, and I love to debate my ideas.:rolf:

But what the hell are we doing... this has nothing to do with Venom sucking off Spiderman, back to the man pr0n!


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bah hahahaa
