The Famous People I Know/Want To Bang Thread


Boost Junkie
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Haven't seen a thread like this before, and it's slow here at work, so I figured why not?

I live in Southern California and have done the band thing for years now, so I've gotten to know some people that a lot of people would consider famous, and figured I'd share who I know. I do this with my buddies from my hometown occasionally, and they seem to enjoy getting the inside scoop on some of these people, for some reason. Now, along with that, there are girls I've met through this group of people that are famous as well, and a few I really want to "get to know" haha.
I figured I'd see if any of you guys know famous people, or which celebrities you want to bang/get to know. Who knows? Maybe someone will know someone else, and someone's dreams can be made real! :lol:

Anywho, a few people I know:

Melissa and Allison of The Millionaires. Stupid band, cool chicks.

Shayley Bourget, formally of Of Mice & Men/Covette, now in Dayshell. My old band did a mini-tour with his old band Covette, great guy.

Voxamberlynn, otherwise known as Amber Rahming. Known this chick for years. Used to be a huge internet celebrity, and an annoying assface. She's gotten better now, although her current boyfriend is a douchenozzle. They both live in my hometown. I put her on blast for toying with one of my best friend's hearts (another semi-internet famous artist, Nick Nall. Google him. Literally.)

Ricky Hoover, formally of the hardcore band Suffokate. Really good buddy of mine, great guy. Despite being covered in tattoos (and I mean covered. YouTube him, there's an interview with him about them), and having 2 inch stretched ears, he is incredibly personable, and really genuine and nice. He's also a ridiculous barber.

Danny of Hollywood Undead. He was in a band from my hometown called Lorene Drive years ago. We played a ton of shows with them, and I grew up with them all. Super cool guy, hasn't let his musical career go to his head, and still comes up to visit us (even though we live in a s***hole lol). Also, that heart in the bottom left corner? That would be the clothing company my buddies and I own, OYH (Open Your Heart) Clothing Co.

Some more people I know, but don't know SUPER well (met several times, had lunch, hung out, just wouldn't consider them good friends or anything): Jared Leto and Tomo Milicevic of 30 Seconds to Mars, Ryan Shuck and Amir Derakh formally of Orgy, now in Julien-K, Jack and Kelly Osbourne (they were all coked out back when I met them, particularly Kelly. She was kinda rude), tons of bands/musicians.

As far as women I really want to "get to know", the top of my list:

Also, Hayley Williams, Sherri Dupree (of Eisley), Olivia Wilde.


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Lol @ this thread. Good idea to spark up convo. There are others that don't really give a s**t so expect the backhanded comments. I can already think in my head one person that is going to b***h.


Heath Ledger. Cool dude. Came to Christmas at my parents one year when he was in town (Tacoma/Seattle) filming "10 Things I Hate About You". My cousin was an extra in that and they dated for a very short time (about 3-4 months maybe). She ended up bringing him to Christmas that year as he didn't have family here and the filming schedule didn't allow him to fly home. It was well before he had his daughter. R.I.P.

Also met the rest of the "10 things..." cast when I went to the set a couple days. Julie Styles was a sweetheart, Andrew Keegan was a douche, Leann Rimes was a b***h (she was on set at that time...I think she was dating Keegan), Joseph Gordon-Levitt was cool, and David Krumholts was funny as hell. Good times. The movie was filmed mostly at Stadium Highschool and out in Seattle. I hung out at Stadium.

Sir Mix-A-Lot is one of my customers. Funny ass dude. He owns a couple Porsches and recently bought an R8 from our Audi store.


New Member

I am pretty sure I have met quite a few celebrities ( i used to attend the San Diego Comic Con with my Dad who happened to have a dealer pass every year) anyways i met quite a few celebrities to include casper van deen, and the cast from startship troopers. A number of other porn stars playboy models and various other comic related and even video game related stars that i have met. There is one that stands out though The original Hulk.... I bet most of you will not know who it is, but his name is Lou Ferrigno the man is a walking muscle essentially but what stood out to me the most was probably the fact that he is DEaF he filmed multiple years of The incredible hulk and was extremely hard of hearing the entire time although legally DEaF he could still hear properly he signed a copy of his book for me and inspired me a lot. Anyways that is my little story for you all , but as far as banging a celebrity i would have to say it would be Mariska Hartigay from the Law and Order series what a Smoking MILF if you ask me.


gt CasaNova
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Lethal lets see pics of your cousin


Boost Junkie
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Lol @ this thread. Good idea to spark up convo. There are others that don't really give a s*** so expect the backhanded comments. I can already think in my head one person that is going to b****.


Heath Ledger. Cool dude. Came to Christmas at my parents one year when he was in town (Tacoma/Seattle) filming "10 Things I Hate About You". My cousin was an extra in that and they dated for a very short time (about 3-4 months maybe). She ended up bringing him to Christmas that year as he didn't have family here and the filming schedule didn't allow him to fly home. It was well before he had his daughter. R.I.P.

Also met the rest of the "10 things..." cast when I went to the set a couple days. Julie Styles was a sweetheart, Andrew Keegan was a douche, Leann Rimes was a b**** (she was on set at that time...I think she was dating Keegan), Joseph Gordon-Levitt was cool, and David Krumholts was funny as hell. Good times. The movie was filmed mostly at Stadium Highschool and out in Seattle. I hung out at Stadium.

Sir Mix-A-Lot is one of my customers. Funny ass dude. He owns a couple Porsches and recently bought an R8 from our Audi store.
I'm expecting people to b****, but oh well, that makes the threads fun :lol:

Holy crap. I would have loved to have met Heath Ledger. I'd heard he was a REALLY nice guy. Definitely a legend.

I am pretty sure I have met quite a few celebrities ( i used to attend the San Diego Comic Con with my Dad who happened to have a dealer pass every year) anyways i met quite a few celebrities to include casper van deen, and the cast from startship troopers. A number of other porn stars playboy models and various other comic related and even video game related stars that i have met. There is one that stands out though The original Hulk.... I bet most of you will not know who it is, but his name is Lou Ferrigno the man is a walking muscle essentially but what stood out to me the most was probably the fact that he is DEaF he filmed multiple years of The incredible hulk and was extremely hard of hearing the entire time although legally DEaF he could still hear properly he signed a copy of his book for me and inspired me a lot. Anyways that is my little story for you all , but as far as banging a celebrity i would have to say it would be Mariska Hartigay from the Law and Order series what a Smoking MILF if you ask me.
I actually went to ComiCon last year. It was a lot of fun, and I REALLY want to go again! As far as how many celebrities I've simply met, I can't even tell you the number. Shia Lebeouf, Robert Downey Jr., Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jake Gylenhall (dude is a badass, and really nice, don't care what anyone says), Travis Barker, David Beckham (sat with him and his wife Posh Spice [LOLL] on The Junglebook Cruise at Disneyland. He was cool, she was not), Gavin Rossdale of Bush, Gwen Stefani, all of System of a Down (PRICKS, but I have history with their bassist Shavo), pretty much most bands haha. And most of these were in the past two years. I've met Davey Havok of AFI quite a few times, super nice guy.


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Lethal lets see pics of your cousin
LOL. Sure.

Her myspace (hasn't been on there in years though, she moved over to facebook like everyone else but it's open):

Her facebook is locked to the public apparently.

Her IMDB. Couple extra work movies and a couple with small roles. Few small TV parts and a couple commercials apparently. Devil Wears Nada was a late night Cinemax movie. Going to leave it at that.


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I used to go to Vince Carter's basketball camp in Daytona when I was younger. That said, I've met Vince several times. One year, Bow Wow (formerly Lil Bow Wow) came to the camp, so I talked with / played basketball with him. Dude was fast as hell. Good kid though. Like I said, this was years ago.

Other than that, I can't say I've ever known anyone famous. I've met several people (ran into Mark Martin at Toys R Us, Met several old WCW wrestlers, Buddy Guy, etc). My Mom works at a radio station, so I get backstage passes / go to meet and greets from time to time.


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iv met, george jones and the lead singer from the group alabama.Iv met the older magician David copperfield. thats about it for "well known" people. Talk to a author from florida "leonard kinsey" does alot of disney stuff alot. Also became good friends with several pretty popular "urban explorer" people. thats about it.


Boost Junkie
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Devil Wears Nada was a late night Cinemax movie. Going to leave it at that.
LOL. Sorry, but oh man, wasn't expecting that!

It's pretty cool to see some of the people you guys know.

I was engaged to a girl who became internet famous for a little while in 02-04. She was good friends with Sonny Moore aka Skrillex (in fact, she ended up cheating on me with his best friend Tyson), and I became good friends with him long ago. He's a really nice guy, and very selfless. I hadn't talked to him in at least 6 years, and then I ran into him at a show in LA a while back. I was surprised he recognized me. She also hung around the Hollywood Undead guys, who I became friends with (Jorel aka J-Dogg and Danny, as I mentioned) long after she was gone.

My folks have met and hung out with some higher caliber celebrities (dad's a pilot, parents own several business ventures and have investments everywhere). They've met John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston, John Mayer and a few others. I was only there to meet Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. Both of them were really nice.


Surge Master
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Meet Jared the subway guy on a cruise when I was 12 or 13

Met Rich Franklin on my 21st birthday at a chinese restraunt

Met the guy "The Insider" was based on (played by Russell Crowe) but cant remember his name

Met Bill Gates when I was 11 and went to his house (was having work done and my aunt's ex-husband took my cousins and I)

Females I want to get to know

Anne Hatheway, the chick from Hansel and Gretel

Too tired to look up names nor spell any correctly


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Want to bang? Kate Beckinsale. No question there.

Want to get to know? Brian McKnight for sure. Dudes got mad skill with over a dozen instruments and he can sing like a f**king beast. I'm sure there are more on my list, I just can't think on the spot.

I've only ever met one famous person. I went to his concert with my brother and we got autographs and pictures afterwards. Al Di Meola. I guess he's a jazz fusion / latin jazz guitarist and he's f**king good.


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I wanna get to know Victoria justice. My chance is this Saturday


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Anne Hatheway, the chick from Hansel and Gretel
The new hansel and gretel? That's not Anne Hathaway. Gemma Aterton, she was in Clash of the Titans and Prince of Persia.


RHD is where its at
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Damn idk if i wanna take the time to write right now so ill reserve this spot for later...


Your Mom's Moderator
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I know that, I meant Anne Hathaway AND Gemma Aterton. She was also in Quantum of Solace
lol. Sorry. I thought....well you know what I thought. My bad. Aterton is kind of hot, Hathaway...not so much to me, she isn't that good of an actress either IMO.


5th gen lover
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Never met any famous people. But I would have liked to have met yelawolf before he got famous, we grew up in the same town.


Reinvent Your Shell!
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I'd like to bang the snot out of Jon Garland, Adam Scott, Jon Hamm. :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

I've met lots of famous folks, but I wouldn't bang them.


out on bail
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I don't know any famous people. I've met a few but no one particularly awesome.

Famous people I want to f**k?
Serinda Swan. :cool:

I'll edit in some more later
