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why not just find it in the off topic lol


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I figured it out....the search button..sorry y'all for the stupid question, but project is done so now it is on the way to the groccery store...thanks again for the help you two...much appreciated


Rubbin on yo booty
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umm.. i just wanna add..

if you want a REAL weight losing diet plan routine workout whatever bullshit. try this eating schedule before you do anything else..

breakfast (anytime before 9am) - TUNA SANDWICH with whole wheeat bread
brunch - protein shake!
lunch - tomatoe soup + grilled chicken salad with EXTRA chicken
snack (around 3pm) - have a grilled sandwich with whole wheat bread
dinner (around 6pm) - try to eat either CHICKEN, FISH, or the best thing ever.. STEAK!
snack (around 7pm) - protein shake

NOMORE EATING until morning, you get lots of good carbs, proteins, and biotin (this is good s**t) also with the protein shakes, most of them have more than enough nutrients than you need, but they are good for you!

now the situation with you and the taped vents and the 3 heaters... WHAT THE FACK are you thinking? this causes, high blood pressure, irregular pulse, and LEADS TO HYPERTENSION (heart attack). anyways, untape your vents, turn the heaters off, and when you sleep at night, stay warm NOT cold and def. NOT hot as hell. if your body stays warm, your metabolism STILL works at a VERY SLOW pace.. but at least its working.

anyways on to the workout, football is good, wrestling is bad.. BECAUSE it causes your muscles to STRESS alot because your constantly working them.. some people say its good, but imo i see it as a way to get sprains and tears and streesss stress stress!

try to run at least 5 miles a day (thats about 30 minutes on a treadmill or bicycle, id rather run around the track at the school, but thats just me) if you jog/walk, youll loose at least 1500 calories, thats pretty good for consuming a sum of what.. 1000 cal? anyways dont try to workout with heavy weights, if you DO workout.. do mainly burnouts, LIGHT weight.

if you do this for the next 3 months at least, youll lose AT LEAST 30-40 lbs.. (pretty much 10 lbs a month, maybe more)


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he should not be drinking whey if he wants to loose weight. That is full of fats and other s**t.

just eat lean foods


Rubbin on yo booty
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he wont get fat.. he gotta gain some(muscle) to lose some(weight)..


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true, its prob cheaper too instead of buying meals.


Adamantium Member
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some good info in the past few pages....BUT -

trade the ice cream for fat-free frozen yogurt. especially at night. that should help.
thats going from bad to worse....frozen yogurt is high in HFCS's (high fructose corn syrup)...if you MUST eat ice cream, i would do it RARELY, and just get some low fat ice-cream....alot of the brands now make a double-turned, creamy 1/2 fat ice cream....again, i would only eat that rarely, and stick to the serving size - dont pound down a huge bowl of it

oh, and for the guy wanting quick access to this thread, just click on the thread tools up top, and "subscribe to thread"


Rubbin on yo booty
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i love this thread =)


Rubbin on yo booty
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ice cream is just bad to eat period.


Adamantium Member
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ice cream is just bad to eat period.
yeah, i def wouldnt recomend that being your nightly snack....i would RARELY eat it, and if i did, it was low fat....my wife, used to LOVE ice cream....she's slowly getting away from it...shes been making shakes w/ whey, low fat yogurt, frozen strawberries, bananas, ice....she seems to really like those


Rubbin on yo booty
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yea i make my protein shakes with the isopure zero carb PLUS with low fat milk and extra fruits, just to juice up the vitamins and nutriets.. and the taste =D

i just hate waking up early in the morning to make shakes before work =(


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^ haha, i got my shake game down pat....takes me like 2 minutes....i start off by microwaving a bowl of oatmeal, while thats cooking, i pour the low fat milk, whey, low-fat yogurt into the blender....usually when thats done its just in time to hear the microwave go off, i add the oatmeal, and start blending....while thats whirling away, i drop in the ice cubes :lol:

it was funny watching my wife make her shake the first time, took her like 5 or 6 minutes :lol:


Rubbin on yo booty
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it takes me about 5-6 minutes to make my shakes, kuz i like to take my time.. but all and all i DO have alot of time.. its just some of those days when i wake up 15 minutes after my alarm clock, i try to hurry and just throw everything in the blender.. it would taste nasty as f**k, but hella healthy haha


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:lol: :lol: yeah, ive made some nasty ones before....when i had Myoplex i couldnt do wrong, it tasted great no matter what...then i had some other brand, that sucked....now im trying out GNC's brand, and i actually like it ALOT


Rubbin on yo booty
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yea i switched from MUSCLE MILK to ISOPURE (what i use to use before).. the muscle milk was making me fatter which is what i didnt want, and the isopure is isolated fat, plus it barely contains any sugar or saturated fat which is why i love it so much.. but i just cant stand the prices nowadays..

back then it was like 40 bucks for a 2.5lb now its like 65 bucks.. iwas like wtf..!!>!>!>!>!

good thing my friend works at vitamin shop and i get the hook ups ;D
